
What is TI? I too would like to know more.


They've got Smaug, but what about Glaurung and Ancalagon the Black? Tolkien dorks demand to know!

Maybe if he breaks his arms.

Did you mean "Deadwood's Kim Dickens"?

That's a really good question, actually. I tend to be fearful of spoiling anything for anyone, so I'll be quiet. I don't think there's really a specific place here to talk Sherlock ahead of time, is there?

vdW response to Captain Apathy question, upthread:
"We review debuts and returns of notable series in advance of their
return. We have done this since the advent of TV Club, and we will
continue to do it. Which means we will do the same for Sherlock in a
couple of weeks."

I accepted, perhaps overgenerously, that it was just because she could never marry a class-enemy.

I can't tell to what degree you're joking. Do you really not care?

Yes, it's cheaper because as non-citizens, their workers have essentially no protection under labor laws, and because there are tax advantages to being based out of a settlement. They knew there was a boycott risk to breaking international law, but decided the better taxes made it worth it.

… this season.

Who is James Franco? Honestly.
(I understand this means I am out of it. Please don't make me use Google.)

I am like you in this way, but always assumed it was because I was/am empty inside, missing some essential parts that are usually distributed with people.

Too bad that we utterly paper over his anti-imperialism and anti-war activism though. By the time he was killed the mainstream press was finished with him, saying his dispatches read like they were written by the VC. Now he's a hero again, because all he ever said was that racial equality sounded good.

I'm sorry I was too snappy with you about preferences for politics and art that one time. I've really appreciated these reviews.

I'm blown away.

Me think Walter already send tulip. Not know though why Peter keep exist, not drown though; not understand everything. Not sure why replying like this. Me know me am not correctly performing gimmick.

I don't know about "best," but I do think it's my favorite.

Yo momma's so fat, they have to paint her as a landscape.

If I recall correctly, I once said somewhere on this website that I thought that a work of fiction was making fun of hipsters. I was asked for a precise definition of the phenomenon, and when I didn't have one, I was eaten alive.