Robot Moon Gun

B+? More like a D. It was just a lot of random crap tossed together, with a situation we've already seen two or three times on the show. And the music for the B&W segment was all wrong. It should have been circa-1930 pop, not ragtime. Ragtime was long out of fashion by the time sound cartoons started being made.

Does anyone remember St. Elsewhere for anything but the damn final episode anymore?

Kucinich 2020

I think 1972-75 is a much more interesting period: Watergate, Pinochet's coup, the Yom Kippur War, oil embargo and energy crisis, the SLA and other left-wing terrorists blowing shit up - it's surprising so little has been done with it. Maybe the boomers don't like remembering bad times.

How many people nowadays are willing to admit that they favored segregation in schools and thought the civil rights protestors were just tools of Moscow?

Eh, Krustaceans are all right but I've always preferred Popplers.

I refused to see it because of the horribly anachronistic music. Blew up my suspension-of-disbelief meter and sent the needle flying across the room and embedded itself in the wall.

When you've got maybe 16 minutes for the whole episode, you shouldn't waste time on a goddamn song that's mildly amusing at best.

The best Halloween segment from recent years was the Dr. Seuss one. Wish I had that on DVD.

"So you're really smart, huh? Thought your head would be bigger."

If Hillary really wants to do a great thing for the country, she can reinstate the FCC rule that limited ads to two minutes per half hour of programming.

Worst. Halloween episode. EVER.

Wasn't there a famous groupie named Sweet Connie who started hooking up with rock stars at the ripe old age of fourteen?

The kid's actually the second coming of Jesus, and the principal is Satan.

Sounds like the writers didn't have the guts to just make him an open racist. Or a pedophile.

Maximum Ride.

And there are only five or six kids in the class.

The kids who made it their mission to ruin my high-school years were the dudes in heavy-metal tees with hair down to their shoulders.

Parker Lewis Can't Lose

And what's with all the shots of insects? Take out those and the sing-alongs and you'd have a 110-minute movie.