
Great television. I'm just going to comment on a couple legal issues. First, filing anything in the wrong court will not just lose you clients; it will get you sanctioned (financial penalties) and possibly disbarred. Also, shows like this are why clients are so impatient. Scheduling a hearing in any of those federal

did you clerk?

I meant, there's no way they're admitting to this sex. The paralegal didn't say Will had sex with her, rather that the firm is tainted by sex everywhere including Will's office. There's no reason to parson "sex" or "office" when a blanket "no there was no other sex in my office" is the only answer they'll ever

How did that video even help Florick & Agos? Did he think clients would flock to those part of such a firm?

Kind of cute the show would have us believe Will would tank his firm's case by admitting he and Alicia had sex in his office. No law firm partner in the universe, even if there were video, would admit that outright.

As an attorney, I watched this show for the characters since the legal aspects are on par with Franklin & Bash. But the last 3 episodes have killed the characters for me. Harvey no longer has a claim to morality by screwing over Jessica because he was upset his boss expanded her business. Louis went from being an

None of that is true. Well, maybe for IP or tax. But litigators and especially those appearing at substantive hearings or in front of juries are very likable people. Louis was dorky but seemed to know who he was. I liked him. Seeing him cry to Rachel and Nigel about loving this non-dog and then waste firm resources

Jessica showed why she became a boss. Harvey is likely a better attorney but Jessica just gets things done. I loved how when Harvey said he didn't want a named-partnership that Jessica immediately says "fine I'm the boss, I'm taking this case over. Anyone disagree?…No. Good let's start." Truly, like a boss.


I agree the deputy's "epiphany" was pure misdirection and beautiful. Even the scene with him at the chair was confusing to understand what was happening.


He looked like a cross between an overweight Bernie Kosar and the lead singer of Sister Christian. I don't believe, however, he's an actor or holds any SGA affiliation.

I had a couple passes to a packed press screening last night and the audience apparently loved this film. They were genuinely interacting with the movie as if it were some kind of blockbuster. The most interesting facet of the movie was the guy coughing in my seat to the right. It started out like he was clearing some

I agree this show is as much about the law as Franklin and Bash but what was wrong with the spousal privilege argument? If these people knew each other and worked together for a while how would the judge dissolve the marriage based on a civil fraud allegation? Was there a companion criminal case or was Mike blowing

What was up with Mike and Rachel working a case together? $30M isn't small potatoes no matter how large a law firm you are and Mike (or any low/mid-level associate) would definitely have a partner running the case. And while Mike is known as an attorney, there's no question Rachel is merely a paralegal. As such, that

It would only hurt Jessica. Imagine the suit Darby could have that she knowingly has a non-lawyer working as an associate, fraud on the courts and clients multiplied by X number of cases, and she failed to disclose this fraud to him before he not only merged his law firm with hers, but he gave her his clients' cases

It wasn't about the play. Donna isn't getting any younger and she knows it (evidenced by her fear Stephen was enamored by Rachel over her). Her locking in Stephen is her only trump card to get to Harvey because some day she won't be able to just pretend playing secretary.

I agree. The writers didn't trust us to get it. And that's insulting when they decide that.

The duty is to whoever at the company hired the firm to represent it. The law oddly allows corporations to be treated as people; so the lawyers have a fiduciary and legal duty to the company. Generally the board and the shareholders have concurrent interests, except in the case of a golden parachute or something for

C'mon. He flirted with her and she rebuffed him. What was overtly sexual that he did? And keep in mind he's from their London office having no authority or perceived authority over Rachel who clearly works under Jessica with protection from Donna/Harvey.