Stab Blasterson

He was a super friendly dude in the few encounters I had with him. I worked on the 30 Rock pilot, and after one long night of shooting he just came up to me and shook my hand and said good night and thanks for my hard work. That is unbelievably rare in that world. I later worked on a show that shot in the same

Don't bust out the old punk records too often anymore, but by god the Turks are still in my regular rotation. I snuck out when I was grounded to see them back when I was in high school.  Got caught, got grounded longer, but god dammit it was worth it.

I agree.  At the time I was much more in the Tarantino camp than the Rodriguez camp, but I just remember an "Oh no this pointless dialogue is boring the shit out of me" feeling coming over me after having tons of fun with Planet Terror.  Death Proof is awful.  It's true.  Tarantino seemed to have forgotten the very