daddy still has a flat top

Black people sing like this, white people sing like this.
I think the white people who have made cultural appropriation work have been people who seem a bit funky like in a strange way David Bryne. Win Butler doesn't seem funky to me in anyway except for ironic.

exactly. and it shows Fincher's great skills with the dudes in rooms set pieces a la Zodiac

I had a friend who bought the first Stephen Malkmus record without ever really listening to Pavement, and said it was like buying a Paul McCartney album without listening to the Beatles first…so I feel you on that

I think the Social Network has held up pretty well. And yes, any number of those films should have beat The King's Speech.

there's a box elder in south dakota too I think

This is many a dads favorite movie. This and the Dirty Dozen.

where is a good place to start with Townes Van Zandt?

This column is generally white guy in band hates song performed by a white person. I would like to see some more variety if you could, AV Club. I know there are people out there who hate rap music and it could be for some socially dicey reasons and that would be interesting to read. Or country music historically the

what the hell was going on with Undressed? Were there regular story lines? Lots of hot people on it for sure, but i never understood it.

they should hire trolls. you could do that couldn't ya?

Dr. Katz Professional Therapist. The one with Carrie Fisher as Ben's mom when she comes to spend Thanksgiving with them. Laura also ends up being stuck there.

i think part of it has to do with just forlorned and doomed they were.

its also available on the youtube.

I got a little obsessed too. The fact that David McCullough has that homey voice adds to the menace. And its one thing after another…the main guy kills someone and is drove out of the group, then the animals all die, then they get to the pass the fucking snow starts. then they eat the indians who came to help! and

Two things: 1. a fifteen year old with discerned tastes would be pretty unbearable; almost as much as a 33 year old making sure we know he wasn't as super cool then as he is now and 2. this song has nothing on the hate level as much as The World I Knew? Is that the name of that song? Its horrible.

yes. its so horrifying because you know its going to be bad but not when and then it is and its just so so bad

I thought they had one.

Much better snark in this one.

all of the episodes are on Youtube..discovering this made me very happy.