
(shouted from a distance) "Dave, are you coming or not!?!!?"

How about Lisa Milner instead?

There was a point during NewsRadio where Lisa either didn't appear or just barely appeared for a few episodes (Easter Egg Roll!), and I once read somewhere that Maura had been off filming a movie with Bruce Willis that ended up being scrapped halfway through the shoot. Broadway Brawler is what I remember the title

I remember the cheat code for Contra, and I never even owned a Nintendo or played Contra.

"Maura Tierney is one of those magical creatures who could have chemistry with anyone." —YogaFire

The other freakzilla reference was something about an e-mail address: freakzilla @ scopenet.com.

I believe Andy said, to the great amusement of all his commentary mates, that the only difference between his character on 'NewsRadio' and his character on 'Less Than Perfect' was that his later character was "a little older." Though he later added that he was "maybe a little less retarded and gay."

@OzoneClown - they also break the fourth wall in "Sinking Ship," when Dave ventriliquodini's to Mr. James, "Wasn't the ceiling supposed to cave in there?" To which Stephen replies, "Yeah, but I think we blew most of the budget on the break-room scenes."

Oh, that's right. Probably my favorite episode of the show. And from the blooper reel, it had some of the best outtakes too.

I wouldn't say that Maura Tierney had already 'broken out' - her most recent previous job before NewsRadio was "Untitled Ralph Macchio Pilot."

Dave Nelson and Lisa Miller, on work
There's a quick exchange between Dave and Lisa - I can't remember if it's coming up soon or if it's near the end in Season 5 - where Lisa and Dave start to change the subtext into text.
Lisa, exasparated: "You know Dave, there is more to life than work."
Dave: "No there isn't and I

I agree with staircar1, a tremendously tight-woven analysis and write-up. I tried 'play along with Donna' this weekend and watched both these episodes in advance, to see if I could figure out where the analysis was going. I guessed it would be about Lisa's veneer of self-confidence and the way the staff poked

With exasperation, "Find her, bring her to me!" Love that. Hartman's line readings are just jaw-droppingly excellent.

@AJR - "Well, *these* may not be *those*, but *that* isn't too shabby." (pause) "My ass!"

This *is* like NewsRadio, where at the start of season 6 they were going to move most of the the cast to New Hampshire and run a small newspaper, "The Daily Jimmy." Instead they got cancelled at the end of season 5.

With a dry, cool wit like that, he could be an action hero.

Line-reading skills by almost every actor helped elevate NewsRadio even farther. Stephen Root and Phil Hartman were giants (which explains how well the Garelli 1000 turned out, and also why both were voice actor stars in animated shows).

The NewsRadio writers had a dream list of guest stars they wanted for the show; among them were Bob Newhart to play Dave's father, and Isabella Rossellini as Dave's mother. Bob because Dave acts like him, and Isabella because in drag he looked like her.

Something must be wrong with me - I loved "Jackass Junior High" to such a degree that for a long while I called it my favorite-ever episode. I'm a sucker for a Lisa-in-distress storyline.

staircar, Norm MacDonald played the lawyer the first time in season 2, but I'd bet that the voice for "Complaint Box" was provided by Drake Sather, who played the lawyer ever after.