Yes, speaking of blocking brilliance, combined with Phil's astonishing line-reading talent…
Yes, speaking of blocking brilliance, combined with Phil's astonishing line-reading talent…
Well, they did repeat the Matthew-falling-down cold-open gag a LOT…like, so often that Phil Simms said the network finally told them to stop.
NewsRadio's attitude towards television
It's a pretty great dynamic that threads through the tv-buying subplot in Movie Star, as played out between Lisa and Dave. I always thought the tag was very interesting, with this quote from Lisa:
"You know Dave, I like C-SPAN and all but there's just nothing else I could…
Catherine said "… like Freddie Mercury circa-1980."
But it's also on the Season 3 DVD. You can see the bind we're in!
Dave: "Here, you left your copy of 'The Art of War' in your desk."
Lisa: "Thanks - oh, and you left a picture of your mother in the drawer."
Dave: [silent sigh] "Eh, keep it."
Speaking of saucy lines that you wonder about the censors, how about Beth's line from Complaint Box? "Well, it gets lonely in my little box too……but I'm not taking you into the bathroom with me."
yup - "Thanks Harry." It's that depressing 'edge' that The Simpsons uses so often.
Except in this quote, it's more like "and by X, I mean X."
No wonder Dave & Lisa got together:
"You've got just what it takes; you're cold, and heartless, and emotionless, almost more of an automaton than a human being…"
(Bill, to Lisa, trying to convince her to be his agent for the Blue Jeanie commercial.)
just below lunch
You think that blue dress is short? Wait until Catherine gets going in Season 4.
On the DVD
Commentary tracks reveal that the costume designer was a little off for the initial season (7 episodes). Particularly bad was Beth, whose outfits at first were much more wacky-crazy than wacky-cute. And hair/makeup hadn't quite figured her out either - first episode of season 2 ("…Not Julie's Life…")was a…