
I don't know about you, but I got all excited when Walter told of another Cortexiphan subject but then got all deflated when it turned out it wasn't OUR Lincoln Lee. Now THAT would've been awesome. Nothing against the actor who played Simon (he did a great job) but I think that change would've been spectacular.

Frontline is one of my favorite things on television to watch, so yes please!!!!

good fucking catch Ab Gary!!!

The cylon.
Was it just me, or did the Cylon say the classic phrase "By your command." after he riddled Atreus with bullets???

Did anyone else's brain misread the headline as "Watch a 24-hour live stream from Chloe O'Brien's offices"???

It was probably a nod, yea….

I think if his brain was really doing those millions or billions of calculations that given the lay of the land one could deduce a sequence given the time for those calculations and the proper inputs. However, that does not explain how he was able to surmise the thought processes of other people. Sure, he could with

I like this idea, and was thinking in similar lines myself. I think, or so I hope, that the writers are really beginning to tie several strands of mythology together now that were adrift or loosely connected…. I love the deprivation chamber callback, and look forward to its use!

The character from The Wire is Marlo Stanfield, close… but no cigar costing a hundred bucks since tobacco is rare on Earth-2.

The music test.
Miami Vice theme song. That is all. Awesome.

Three Days Of The Condor
I loved Andy's bullet-point references to the Robert Redford film Three Days Of The Condor, where Redford really did tie Faye Dunaway to a radiator when he had to leave her apartment (where he was laying low) in order to gain some information about who was trying to kill him.

Official Add This To The Rotation Thread
Todd, I am all for you covering this. Let's get a stew going people!!!

It was.

Hey, I Know That Guy
For the people who watch way to much TV (which is like all of us),there should definitely be a website at http://www.heyiknowthatguy…., an online database for actors who pop up everywhere. Mark Sheppard would be it's mascot. ;P

substantial firstie you got there.


I like to think of this idea of war in the context of social + psychological pressures to be an influence of the Situationist International, a preeminent avant-garde art collective from 1957-72. Being that we are dealing with 2 kinds of terrain (the labyrinths that are the neural networks of our minds and the urban

the Flashforwards.
Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of having the flashforwards pop up whenever a character is talking about them? i just think it is sloppy and insults the viewer's intelligence by believing we can't recall images ourselves. I'm loathe to have to do an unimaginative Lost comparison, but this

Yeah, i wholeheartedly concur. Granted, she paled in comparison to Sarah Michelle on Buffy, i think stuff like Tru Calling was a proving ground, and Dollhouse her breakthrough. Definitely by the end of last season she ironed out most of the kinks (which also could be due to the writing, especially in the

[chair raises]
Did I fall asleep???