
You old fool! Your assistive listening device must have been tuned into Happy Feet!

Everyone's a critic!

Her singing is so saccharine I had to up my dose of Glucophage!

Aida it, but I don't believe it!

That's perfect for this show!

How did he do?

Oh no! If there aren't any Muppets, it might actually be entertaining!

The old Muppets were terrible!

And that was nothing like a good melody!

Especially when you wrap him up in bacon!

You old fool! You split a bottle of chianti with her handbag!

If he's been watching the Muppet Show, he probably doesn't know how to recognize jokes anymore!

The only person you could give business to is a mortician!

No wonder we were never able to have kids! Oh! Ho! Ho!

At our age, it takes days to get ANYTHING started! Oh! Ho! Ho!

Or so…so…so…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Or, "So 'So bad it's good' it's bad?"

I agree! Help me convince my wife, Astoria! Ho! Ho!

They killed entertainment! Oh! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

They were bad enough alive! Oh! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!