The Elusive Robert Denby

"Enjoy the split ranch, human. Good luck with your pile of stones over there."

That 'tear down the wall' statement, as I recall, was reported but little noted by contemporary media. It was only after the wall fell that there was suddenly this 'Reagan smashed the wall with the two fists of imperative voice!' attitude on the right. Which is not strictly true.

Muppets kissing celebrities' asses? When did this start?

"David O. Russell . . . ended . . . an apology . . . this afternoon . . . in .. . Canadian . . . beef." —- AA Dowd

Okay you guys, listen up! People spend good time to read this post! When they go to a gossip blog they want populist politics, Twitter fights, and no Gwenyth Paltrow! Do I have to write the blog myself? Do you think the Gwensters can stand up to the Hulkster? Well, if I were you, I'd run the rest of 500 Days of

Ha ha no one cares about Infinity Crusade anymore (the crossover series that forced you to buy comics absolutely no one stocked).

Besides the dissipation of radio waves, the other issue is that they're going through songs that predate commercial radio. Granted that radio existed before KDKA's first broadcast in 1920, Marconi wasn't broadcasting the hits of today over the Atlantic.


Fogerty drove CCR, but Cook and Clifford made one of the best rhythm sections of the 60s.

It's all about Hearst's tastes, bout Hearst's tastes, bout Hearst's tastes (more yellow)

"Sorry, you're all over the price. Let's try again on this Chevy Vega. Steven?"

Has that whole Sideways effect on Merlot sales been proven? It sounds plausible, but it also sounds like an anecdote that gets passed along without data to go with it.

Idle either needs the money or enjoys the money. In either case, he's the Python who's been most aggressive toward monetizing the troupe's legacy.

I had hoped that was the Personal Best series. Apart from the thoughtful episode on Graham Chapman, they were nearly all over the top histrionics of actors who assumed yelling and flailing would recapture the anarchic spirit of their younger years.

ZMF, where art thou?

"Kneel before Sweeney Zod."

SPOILER: The movie ends with a comet colliding into the Earth.

I was in Catholic School at the time. As soon as I saw that fashion show, I laughed. There was no way in hell any private or parochial school would ever dress their students like chic clowns.

Being From Another Planet, I had nothing to do with this film!

Probably the only one of my sister's movies preferences I could enjoy. The whole damn premise is ludicrous, but Applegate and Co. are just so endearing you shrug off the thought of a mother not trusting her 18-year-old daughter with her younger children.