The Elusive Robert Denby

My son does. Michael Chiklis is pretty good as Ben Grimm.

I must have been 16 or 17 when it came out, and my thought then — as it is now — was that the movie was trying too hard. It desperately wanted to be The Film of Our Generation, but just seems like one contrivance after another.

I don't know if it was BMG or some other outlet, but I remember a rival music club running a series of Roy Lichtenstein-type ads where two fresh-faced preppies talked about how "that other music house's" 12 CDs for a penny offer would end up bankrupting you, compared to their alternative buy-$30-worth-of-CDs each

"You don't get more evil than that, do you, Julian?"

My mental image of this is the equivalent of the Brits attempting American accents on Fawlty Towers.

I like that, too, and it's to Larson's credit (and many others') that it's become standard.

That's true, and I loved the anthromorphication of the animals. Especially the bears, which seemed to bring out Larson's best work. "For crying out loud, I was hibernating!"

Saw that on Wikipedia after I posted. Damn, they could be twins.

RIP — but dang, I thought the Ghostbusters II mom was the actress from Not Necessarily the News. Anne Bloom, I think?

My two favorite comic strips growing up were Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side. My kids read them both now (through collections). They like The Far Side, but a lot of it goes over their heads. Calvin and Hobbes, though, is as natural to them as it was to me growing up.

Edit: I think my my my beat me to the "carpe deum" joke.

Going by this scenario, E is Frank Pentangeli and Turtle is Hyman Roth, leaving Lloyd to shoot Johnny Drama in the boat.

Ultimate Entourage: Vinnie dies and gets replaced by Miles Morales.

And although Kidman’s gowns and hairstyles are to die for, she honestly looked like she was having a lot more fun in Paddington.
But really, was she having more fun in Dogville?

I know this is a parody account, but I saw "Dial M for Murder" a few years ago, and I fell asleep. It's quite literally a filmed play.

Also reminds me of "Top Ten Surprises in Bill Clinton's Inaugural Speech:"

There was a Top Ten list he did in 1990-91 which was "Top Ten Signs John Sununu is about to be fired." I can't remember the whole list, but 25 years later this one sticks out for me:

He had big shoes to fill, and he filled them well.

It's a small thing, but the scene with Joan and Roger was my favorite. Here are two people with a long and painful history together, meeting and treating each other as friends and equals. Maybe there was no significance to Roger asking Joan if she was OK with Kevin being put into the will. But ten years prior, I bet

Speedball: Age of Penance