And do some great moves to commercial, like Hologram John Wayne fighting Hologram Groucho Marx.
And do some great moves to commercial, like Hologram John Wayne fighting Hologram Groucho Marx.
"Well, of course she's nude, mother. That's just the way it is in California."
"Ehhh, care for some turn'ips, Mistress Kidman?" (Kicked in face)
(Scrambles for PHP manual)
Well, I don't think Kurt is suffering from Catholic guilt, per se. I think Catholicism provided an anchor through his lonely days at a side show and gave him a sense of self-worth that, had it been absent, would have . . .
"And the last thing that went through that whale's mind was: Oh, no. Not again."
Go look at at traffic numbers for investigative reporting vs. bikini galleries, and then explain to me how the public is not getting exactly the media it wants.
The BBC, like PBS, is mostly immune from the need to court advertising dollars. For all the griping people do about CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc., if people didn't tune in to watch the presentation, they'd do something different.
Much as I like Jon Stewart, it's far easier to attack the media for giving people what they want than to attack the audience for not being more demanding/rewarding that confrontational journalism.
Let me put this on its head: We'll never lack for journalists willing to investigate and call people when it's warranted. What we need more of are audience members willing to reward that sort of reporting and not necessarily go to the "A DESTROYS B" story that everyone says they hate and everyone clicks on.
And "yellow journalism," so called, was disdained by traditional outlets because it courted — and reported on issues affecting — a poor and working class audience.
It's not Blazing Saddles by any stretch of the imagination, but it's probably the last Mel Brooks movie where the schmaltz didn't overwhelm the humor. It's also probably the last Brooks film with actual laugh out loud sequences (the bishop at the wedding, Major Asshole and various smaller jokes).
Hello, my baby, hello, mah honey, hello my ragtime gal . . .
Right, but even the most outspoken racists of 1915 had sort of moved beyond that idea.
I've only seen bits and pieces of it, and I can't really add any new insights (kinetic filmmaking for an ungodly cause).
Which is a sad comment on America that the best we can say is "Hey, at least he wasn't Ben Tillman, who conducted pogroms against blacks, set up a system of apartheid and is now burning in hell."
Carmichael was OK, but even in the sighing contempt for defendants' rights that is Law & Order, she seemed an especially loud moaner. Kincaid for me.
And, yikes, what a dark series of trading cards they were. One of the main scientists dies in an agonizing way toward the end. The movie is goddamned sunshine by comparison.