Julian Assange

Oh, right. As an Australian, I anticipated a doco called "Australia After Dark" to be a depressing montage of paralytically drunken men stumbling from pub to pub, urinating in the street and assaulting each other. These films look like a charming fantasy, as the only nudity I ever encounter here are the aforementioned

Hey, that's not fair. It's not rape rape when she's asleep to begin with.

I have some formatting issues with your post, @avclub-0398e75c1be48a8f66c9cb1c9e6b2052:disqus .
Your underlining made that sentence look like a link, the italicisation made it look like the link was going to be particularly exciting, and the exclamation marks only increased my anticipation.
There was no link.
I have

Bloody hell. That just made me spit out sesame snap bits all over my mac. I'm going to have to call someone in here to clean this shit up.

I have seen classified cables and can confirm that it is a large, salami-like specimen.

Well, I could show you a cable or two… but Michael still hasn't fucking brought my cheese toasty which I asked for like an hour ago, and he knows I wanted to get down to the carp lake before it got dark today, so I'm going to bed.