Kip Hackman FBI

Who? Never heard of him.

I don't know what was less believable, that the military used sarin gas in that Genoa whatever operation, or that Jim would continue asking for THIRTY MINUTES to talk to Mitt Romney as if he's somehow someone people know or care about.

She absolutely was. But with less of an incest-y vibe.

That was definitely Toonces the Driving Cat-level driving in that scene. Dexter didn't even look at the road once, I don't think. Deb should have just waited for him to swerve off the road on his own.

I love Angel. I just want Papa's to succeed, is that so wrong?

Wow, that was… yeah, that was really bad. Let's jump right in!

Dexter basically is a one-man A-Team, when you think about it. If you can find him, and you know who he is, you can hire him to kill another killer, as long as you have some sort of nebulous connection to Harry, either the real or ghost versions.

Quinn thinks Deb might have a problem. What was his first clue - the nervous breakdown she had when he was questioning her, or the fact that she got a DUI and smashed into a parking meter? Make this man a sergeant! At least when he was a drunken mess, he had a reason. So guys, always remember, you're allowed to abuse

Did we ever find out how Dexter got out of Lyle Sussman's house when Batista showed up? I'm pretty sure we didn't. Did Dexter just park 2 or 3 blocks away on the off-chance that they would show up? Does Batista not know what Dexter's car that he's been driving for years and years looks like?

You have to loan Batista at least $25,000 to qualify as "manning up."

I could swear they once said they had different fathers, and also that they had recently met when Jamie was introduced and didn't grow up together, so maybe Angel feels protective of her because she grew up fatherless, never knowing her older brother? I feel like that's giving the writers far more benefit of the doubt

I actually liked most of this episode, although there was some glaring stupidity in there. I'm willing to give a pass to the Deb/Dexter/Vogel stuff for now, in the hopes that it's actually going somewhere interesting.

If not, Quinn can just take some more money from a crime scene, and then the show can just drop that plotline again like it did before.

Finally getting what he deserves for Medellin.

They cross over, along with Ghost Harry, who wants to punish Dexter for breaking his code.

I couldn't miss out on the final season of Dexter after having so much fun last season. Glad you made it back, too, I was worried some people might drop off.

This is the burning question hanging over the entire season - did he hang on to the restaurant? Or did he sell it off to rejoin the force? THE PEOPLE DEMAND ANSWERS.

I laughed incredibly hard when he yelled at Harrison for breaking that memento of LaGuerta that he didn't want anyway, and then apologized immediately. I guess Dexter spends so little time with Harrison, he can't waste those moments disciplining him so he doesn't grow up to be a piece of shit.

Dexter's back! And not a moment too soon. I was worried I would have to wait until September for the splitting headaches from being hit over the head with the same thing repeatedly.

Not sarcasm. I absolutely agree with you. I absolutely did not understand the need for the singing, except for the fact that the Muppets used to sing all the time, so why not just rip that off?