Kip Hackman FBI

Quarters, actually. It's a weird system at a weird school basically.

I've started and re-started this comment several times, trying to wrap my head around what's really wrong with this show. And you know what it is? Everything. Everything is wrong with this show. This show suffers from the fact that absolutely none of its characters are at all relatable, and the situations it puts its

The title of this episode pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

He and the terrorists could have all stood around like a happy fun bunch

I'll see that, and raise you, "He's robbing us!" after the guy on the boat pulls out a gun and points it at those people, holding out his hat and demanding money.

Ben demonstrated his love of calzones originally in the season 3 episode Ron and Tammy 2. The chief of police even took to calling him "Calzone Boy."

I vote for either Andre Braugher or Bill Duke.

It looked to me like that was Quinn saving him. We can only hope that all that alcohol that Quinn is soaking in causes him to go up like an oily rag.

The real culprit is LA PASSION!!!

The correct answer is Chicky Hines