
Heil Heetlah

Dein Fuhrer eez heeah!

Dammn, to quote one of my favorite underrated and overlooked movies, Falling Down, maybe if you fucking wrote that thread in fucking English we could fucking understand it. Anyway this fucking thread is officially fucking over I've fucking Godwined it fucking fuck off or fucking register you fucking inarticulate

I guess the problem with Crash (or maybe it's success) is that it fails to really engage people.

I guess I'd have one to add to the dislikes. I connected intellectually with eXistenZ but was disappointed. And I could never get into Eastern Promises.

1. Videodrome (I have a particular affection for it because from the age of about 5 I used to watch TV late at night and the premise is great. And it's my first Cronenberg experience).

Truly scrumtrelescent, WWYND

The only thing I will mock Michael Ironside for is appearing in that Disney channel original movie a few years back. Then again, it made that movie pretty fucking awesome for some namby pamby Disney shit. Hell, the movie even had a huge explosion

Before I even saw Scanners, I thought the criticisms of the actor who plays Cameron Vale among Cronenberg fans I knew of was…passe for lack of a better word. I mean, I've heard since high school, people pretending to be knowledgeable about music talking about Dylan saying "Yeah he's great but his voice sucks."

Despite the fact that it takes its inspiration from source material, it is for all intents and purposes a reimagining of Burrough's work.

If you haven't seen The Dead Zone or M. Butterfly, do so. It's interesting to see Cronenberg at his least Cronenbergesque.

I agree that I would have like to have seen Cronenberg continue in the same intellectual vein, but I've been pleased with what I've seen regardless. eXistenZ is, I believe, the first film since Videodrome he wrote/directed (and not just the screenplay, a completely original story that was not an adaptation for the

Ehm, that's mein fuhrer to you

Hitler Hitler Nazi etc

I couldn't concentrate on this movie the first time I watched it because I tend to identify strongly with lead characters (who doesn't) and I couldn't see myself ever fucking her (ew). So that really took me out of the movie. Good actress though

Sensei, I agree, Videodrome is definitely his sleaziest/seediest movie, even moreso than Crash. But Crash wasn't really going for sleazy-there was sex, but it was distant, unemotional, compulsive sex. Crash is more disturbing for what isn't present in the movie-emotional connection between audience and characters, the

eXistenZ! Damn you! Nazi!


Mr. Skin is a Nazi

Hitler Hitler Hitler Nazi