
Faith=lack of evidence.

Carl Perkinswas cooler than Elvis,and Roy Orbison had a better voice. Modern rock starts with Mayalls Blues Breakers and the Yard Birds. Cozy Powell is the glue that holds it all together.

The only way I could do RR is doggy. Those teeth.The big scary teeth. And the evil,clown-like grin.

"Lets go do some crimes."

I remember a book or two that claimed to be based on another Howard character, Cormac MacArt. I don't remember who did it though.

I tried some of Burroughs Mars stuff,but just couldn't get into it.

The books they made the movies from (or did they novelize the movies?) were pretty weak reworks that mashed together elements of several stories into each script. The 12 book series by Asprin,DeCamp, and Co. were better,I thought. They were reworks ,themselves,in a way,but worked from Howards own notes,manuscripts and

Spam,eggs,bacon and spam.

Car Wars,anybody?

Cuz you know sometimes words have two meanings…. Actually I think "In the Light" would be a good one.

They're notgreat,but the c-rats from late 70's-mid-80's were worse. My dad was in the Guard,and he'd bring that shit home from his two week AT every year. Round crackers,greasy cheese,peanut butter with a layer of oil on top. All in little round cans that you could not open without the paint getting into eveything.

I'm about an hour north of Milwaukee,Dehydrated,how about you?

Out of the four Ron White is realy the only one I can tolerate. He's really just sort of a surly drunk,and I'm OK with that.

revdr,you are a pinhead. He's the least funny of three unfunny one trick ponies.

This product has been declared
HAZ-MEAT! Approxi-meat is pretty good too,O'Dar.

Actually,play it in the car,loud. Drunk. With 3-5 drunk rowdy friends,yelling,raising hell,throwing shit out the windows. Typical Friday/Saturday night for me around '87-'88.

Why waste the time?
Why would anybody waste the time interviewing this guy? He really needs to be put in a very tiny box with a very tight lid. Then the air needs to be removed. Not funny,not now,not ever.

Steinbeck is great. My all time favorite. Read as much as you can. Not just the big,serious stuff,either. Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday are fun,fast reads.

Will Farrell should be locked in a very tiny box. With a hose attched that can be used to remove all of the air.

80's-90's kids here's an address for you
666 5th Avenue
New York,New York