Mr. Ellsworth

That's actually Common's hat, and he insists on wearing it.

SPOILER ALERT … In the next episode, Elam gets caught eating the wrong brand of salsa.

SPOILER ALERT … In the next episode, Elam gets caught eating the wrong brand of salsa.

So many bro holes, not enough time.

So many bro holes, not enough time.

I'm the goose!

I'm the goose!

Will Arnett?  The FBI agent from Sorpanos?

Will Arnett?  The FBI agent from Sorpanos?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: A Lannister always spays their pets.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: A Lannister always spays their pets.

Frosted Mini Vaginas

Frosted Mini Vaginas

Dude, sounds like you're about to go mad postal.

Dude, sounds like you're about to go mad postal.

Honey Bunches of Cunts

Honey Bunches of Cunts

how about a mention of his brief role in 50/50?  he was almost able to make chemotherapy seem fun.

how about a mention of his brief role in 50/50?  he was almost able to make chemotherapy seem fun.

A Lannister always spays their pets.