
The Proposition
The grimy Australian one, not the Sandra Bullock one. Nick Cave and Warren Ellis's score for it is really fine.

John Williams was best when he was Johnny Williams and doing the music for "Lost in Space."

Strongly painted picture?
A phrase I intend to integrate into my daily conversation.

There's nothing wrong with "Metropolis" that some colorization and a soundtrack of pop songs couldn't fix.

I was really hoping he'd stay part of the Dream Team…

two-way petting zoo
I want to be petted by an animal.

Best analysis of "Willy Wonka" ever
"I wasn't given candy as a child, so a movie that fetishized it that much would have made no sense to me."

Mona told Jemaine she was in a coma. I felt like I had to give the gag its just due.

mrs. Peel, we're needed
I maintain that Steed and Mrs. Peel were clearly doing it. They were always together. They vacationed together! It was as clear as it could be, given the time. Mrs. Peel was ostensibly a widow, and she left the spy game when it turned out her test-pilot husband, thought to have died in a crash,