
The problem is, that Jagger & Richard don't own the publishing rights to "The Last Time." Allen Klein's company, ABCKO does, and they were the ones that sued the Verve and won. IIRC, Mick and Keith do get a writer's royalty of 5% or so on the ABCKO administered catalog, but that's it.

Quick, what's the Spanish translation for "Dammit, Julie, I'm a single mother doing the best I can!" And also, "Schneider, get your hand off my ass!"

Norman must be outliving his retirement portfolio and needs some cash. I remember Carroll O'Connor wanted to revive the Archie Bunker character in a special before he died and Lear turned him down. O'Connor was pretty bitter and vocal about it, and Lear later regretted that he didn't let him do it, if only to keep

Mark Evanier wrote a neat piece on his News From Me blog about Frank Nelson, and working with him. Here's the link. http://www.newsfromme.com/?…

Trivia note.  At one point, "East Side Story" was to be released
as an EP, with a producer for side.  The producers were supposed
to be Elvis Costello, Dave Edmunds, Nick Lowe, and Paul McCartney.