
I still think he's an informant. For Madrigal.
He stuck out from the very beginning.
"Here's the bug team, 3 ugly ethnic looking guys and a tall aryian."
Wouldn't be surprised if he was Lydia's inside man.
Would of course mean someone's gotten to Saul…..

I still think he's an informant. For Madrigal.
He stuck out from the very beginning.
"Here's the bug team, 3 ugly ethnic looking guys and a tall aryian."
Wouldn't be surprised if he was Lydia's inside man.
Would of course mean someone's gotten to Saul…..

Prison ain't so bad.
You can make sangria in the ter'lit.
Course, it's shank or be shanked.

And how do you catch a meth kingpin?

The shittier an attractive woman's job is, is directly proportional to the number of kids she is raising. Most likely by herself.

The shittier an attractive woman's job is, is directly proportional to the number of kids she is raising. Most likely by herself.

"eating her child's leftovers", also could refer to January eating the placenta from her newborn…..

Zoom, indeed.


I don't see T Dogg cutting the brakes and jumping out the back of the van……


Thought it almost looked like a dark magenta in this one….

Seriously Anna Gunn. It wasn't just the weight gain in season 4. See looks noticeably different every season, like she's had work done or something. Find myself reaching for my IPad do distract me whenever she is onscreen.

Highly recommended. Earlier this year, I watched all 5 seasons of The Wire, for the first time, in a little under 3 weeks. Ended most of my personal relationships, but I can get a new girlfriend. Both shows are equally best-show-ever good. Both make you care about the characters as if they were people you've known