
The only thing that's been a little off-kilter for me these first two episodes is that we've seen Dennis and Mac, and now Dee, at the hospital.  I know Sunny kind of chucks continuity, but the fact that none of them had health insurance was one of the best episodes of the series.  Pepe Silvia, Mexican collagen, Day

The homeless, under-the-boardwalk bums…I can't unsee them!

Best montage ever.  And how can you not feel sorry for Charlie—yet, he remains so upbeat.

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I thought the same thing, almost immediately.  I hope they re-tool her character soon.  I told my wife, as soon as the show was over, the home stuff was funny and I would like to see more of it.  The job—not so much.  All I really need to know is that Christina Applegate has a job, the whole thing could be off screen

Just remember C.H.O.M.P.S., once you have a kid, it stops being about you.  It's neither good nor bad, it's just that you're responsible for a human life, so it all becomes about them.  Unfortunately, friends and the current culture will try to tell you that you shouldn't have to give up the life you had before (dump

Anything I gave up/had to put on the back burner has been totally worth it to have a children who love to interact with me.  It's fun to see the world through their eyes, because everything is absolutely amazing to them, it really makes you feel like a kid again.

Oh, drunksailor, I looked past the barrier alright.  Suprisingly, it wasn't as bad as our first daughter's birth.  No one had told me that the sheet the have under the mother gets absolutely covered in blood…I wasn't prepared for that and thought that something was very wrong.  When I asked, the nurses looked at me

Pride and Prejudice and Cancer

Or pull a Yoda and call it "Apart, Things Fall."

How about just name it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus?"

I can suspend belief to a particular degree, but I can't accept that Hank Azaria is a 30-something.  That's stretching credulity too much for the sake of a demographic.

The "Classic Rock" effect as it were.  Since we only really watch the good stuff we tend to think that everything was good.  I think you're probably right vandermonde, romantic comedies (for good of for ill) will be with us a while yet.

I agree…don't tell me "it's good" then follow it with "no it's not."  I can appreciate the double review on an already established show—getting a different viewpoint and all—but it makes it hard to decide on an unknown property.

Sounds like the sweaty, out-of-breath IT Guy's "Catch Me If You Can."

One kid doesn't make it that bad, especially once the baby starts sleeping through the night.  It's the second (or in my case the second and third, as we had twins) that really puts a wrench in the gears.  And it's not just romance, it's every aspect of your life (movies, books, videogames, going to the bar, going to

I'm pulling for a one-epsiode cancellation.  Always enjoyable to see that level of epic failure.

My bad—makes him even more faceless then.  Random athelete, I should have said.  Kardashian chases jocks the way Winona Ryder chased angsty pop starts back in the day.

*Music plays, indicating it's time to leave the stage*

Why don't they let Neil Patrick Harris host the Oscars and be done with it.  And I don't think Kardashian's husband is Frankenstein, he's just a central casting "random football player."