
Or have their face melt like the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

Her face looks like it's blowing up like the guy from "Big Trouble in Little China" in slow-motion.

Is this Kabbala taken to the extreme?  Avoid the Evil Eye by never allowing anyone to look at you?  Maybe she can write a children's book about it?

I never really watched "The New Adventures of Old Christine," but when I saw "Iron Man," that's where I immediately recognized him from.  I didn't realize he has had a relatively prolific career otherwise.

It always happens, with the Random Roles feature, that I find out that actor in question was in something I never had any idea they were in.  I'll have to go back and watch "The Usual Suspects" just to see if I recognize him under the surgical mask.

Kate certainly comes across as an awful person, but I have one-year-old twins and another three-year-old, and I can say that it is hard to always keep it together.  Certainly it doens't excuse her yelling at her entourage (or forgive her for having an entourage), but if some camera crew filmed me over two days, I'm

It appears that Happy Madison's marketing is now given to Sandler's friends…and apparently they are supposed to make the cheapest possible commercials where they all have to act semi-retarded.  Maybe Adam Sandler is conducting an elaborate performance art piece where he is seeing the limits he can push his entourage

Fantasy Football is about escapism, as are many forms of entertainment.  To make the argument that it is somehow not in its own spectrum of nerdery because it's based on sports is like saying that there's no nerdery involved in D&D because it's about swords (which, at their core, are far from nerdy).  It's the

I'd say as long as there are still sitcoms with the "overweight, unattractive man-child with the super-hot wife" scheme in place, then TV is still pretty much pointed towards men.

And instead of finding the Monolith, the Sheen-monkey could find a big pile of coke.

The graphic designers' machine is oiled by the blood of the workers!

Sports aren't bullshit at all, but I think Fantasy leagues are just Dungeons and Dragons for jocks.

I can only imagine that glimpse inside the mind of Charlie Sheen is going to be much like the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I absolutely read this as "Mystery Men" director.  I was wondering why you would be referencing that movie at all in current Community news.

"This has all been one big tease!"

The Peterman Reality Tour was one of the greatest storylines of the later Seinfeld seaons.  Pizza bagel and mini Three Musketeers.

I love it that Jerry's excuse is that he already has three friends.  That's enough.

O'Hurley is great.  I especially like it when Elaine's writing his biography.  "I think I've got a coupon!"

Weave your web, liar man.

We had "Tall Weird Guy," because he was tall and weird. And "Angry Confused." We couldn't decide if he was confused as to why he was angry, or angry as to why he was so confused.