
Hooray! Now all I need is 49 cents, and I can get a 20 oz. Coke. This is the greatest day ever!

@Judge, I watched Parks and Rec and TiVo'ed Archer.

I'm trying to up the TV quotient, inle, for just that reason. Also, they now account for DVRs, which is making my life a lot easier (although I watched Community in it's actual time slot—which is rare). We have three children, including 9-month-old twins, so TV is hard to find time for, yet a necessary outlet to

The Office's hour-long episodes had natural breaks so that they can be broken into two episodes for syndication—but I didn't think that the first foray's into hour-long territory were bad. The episode with the Rabies fun run was quality stuff. So I think Community could definitely loosely tie two episodes together

Insect Overlords
I was hoping for a Greg Daniels/Simpsons-esque town motto…I, for one, welcome our insect overlords.

Obviously not for Community though—I'm looking at Perfect Couples when I say that.

I wish the survey gave me the option to say something akin to "I went out of my way NOT to watch this—please deduct ratings." But it would probably make me mad with power.

We're a Nielsen Family this week
My family is doing a Nielsen TV rating survey this week. I hope I can do my part to boost Community's ratings. Also hoping to bump Fringe.

Young Anakin being the "good" spirit that Luke sees, doesn't really work. Because Lucas decided to do Anakin as a little boy in Episode I, he had to compress Anakin's rise and fall. So, you see him as a kid, a whiny teenager, and then the conflicted dude becoming Darth Vader. You never actually see him be a good,

How interesting would it be
If the Fringe writers decided to end our universe and continue the show but with Earth-2 as the setting and all of the alt characters taking the place of the originals (and just let Peter survive the machine). What a fantastic mind frik that would be, and I would allow for a clean exit for

Thanks Scarlet Pumpernickel….I lauged quite heartily at the Radioactive Man reference. And to add to it:

Very similar take
I was struck by the similarities of the cancer causing power that James Heath had, and the main character in a story by John Connolly called "The Cancer Cowboy Rides Again." It's essentially the exact same conceit (cancer caused by a touch, sickness that returns unless the carrier "infects" someone

I'm not sure about this, but aren't Peter and Olivia around the same age? If so, then the child experiments were either in full swing or already completed, as Olivia was very young when the cortexiphan was administered.

Also, although it might have already been mentioned, Jack Molay seems to be a direct nod to Jacques de Molay, the last grand master of the Knights Templar before the were dissolved. I caught that upon reading and found it interesting.

Just to pile on Pilestai:

How can you try to legitimately review a movie called Ninja Assassin? The review could be boiled down to: "It's really violent, due to all the ninjas." Done.

Chapter the First — Of a Ninja Responsible for the Assassination of Additional Ninjas, Who are Somehow Different from the Aforementioned Original Ninja

While the non-slap portion of the episode dragged quite a bit, Neil Patrick Harris was awesome. He is consistently awesome on HIMYM.

Believe it or not, ZMF, but I am a software integration engineer. But not like a build-stuff engineer.

I think it was a Canadian news/style network.