
Monkey Ass in a Clam Shell
I think that would work as the subtitle to anything. I'm personally looking forward to Transformers 3: Monkey Ass in a Clam Shell.

You're right there, Japan. But it's hard to count videogames in the zombies-in-popular-culture discussion, because zombies are such a mainstay in videogames (and have been), that it's hard to count them as a recent surge in zombie popularity.

ZMF has a point. A college degree, in many entry-level positions, is required because it is required. Often, it doesn't have to be in a particular discipline (obvious exceptions apply—a la the hard sciences)—it just matters that a degree was attained. And given the amount of effort/talent (or lack thereof) required

What else falls into the current zombie craze? I can think of a couple of things that would fall into recent zombie mass media (World War Z, Shaun of the Dead, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), but really, only the latter is really recent. Zombies just seem to always be around, rather than having been recently

I thought Shaun of the Dead got weaker as it went on. From the review it sounds like Zombieland gets stronger. I'll be interested to see how they compare.

@93% - your citation could use work. You misspelled my username (no capital "w" in wammer). Also, your username could use work. You shouldn't capitalize prepositions in titles. Also, the "v" in "Avclub" (as you put it) should be capitalized, as it's an abbreviation of "visual."

Or lecherous old dudes.

I hate that crusty old dean!

Logging in will tip people off that you're a pretentious douche. Then when they see your comments in future articles, they can write them off as pretentious, douchey comments. An actual user name cuts down the anonymity a little bit. And if you don't understand that, perhaps you didn't get the most for your money

Very brave 93%. You could just login and make your case. Oh, and thanks for speaking for everybody. That's not pretentious or anything.

The best thing about "Pray," is that it's followed by the song "She's Soft and Wet." That's devotion for you.

I believe that, in last week's episode, someone mentioned that you can't retain the host body indefinitely. And now, evil Charlie is left without his switcheroo machine, so he's probably hurting as a result of that.

Nina Sharp
My thought, when Nina told Olivia about Sam, is that Nina was taken to the alternate universe to have her cancer cured/arm replaced. Maybe she's a trans-universe-naut as well?

Classic mistake. You should have asked for more wishes—then we could have unlimited Ghost Rider sequels.

He's going to ride a flaming Segway.

I'd like to know what happened to Nic Cage's toupee.

Speaking of CBS Procedurals
Did anyone see any of CSI: Miami last night? They had a thirteen year flashback, and they made David Caruso look younger via CGI, I think. He looked like Orville Redenbacher from those creepy popcorn commercials. Kind of freaky.

@The Bob The - the Fringe producers made a point—in an interview that I read—about other Charlie's facial scar, and how he got it. I'm kind of thinking the same thing as you—that they're laying the groundwork for other Charlie to kill evil Charlie and take over his place in Fringe Division.

Following Rowrbazzle - the clones thing is important inasmuch as it allows the clones to make tremendous use of the imperative throughout the novel. They are always saying some manner of "have to" or "had to." They are trapped by their circumstances. And the twist isn't that they were clones, the twist was that

I would imagine that someone trying to move on from a "Twilight"-esque book to "The Children's Hospital" would have some problems. "These words are totes hard!"