
I bet Napoleon would be pissed if he knew he was on the cover of all those Civilization games. Who's looking out for him!

If it leads to more incoherent tweets from CL, I hope this continues.

[Drops Monocle in Disbelief]

@Prof. Hugnagel - Mssr. Harold was only obeying the requirements of a gentleman in not sullying his tongue with such a vile word as that. I submit that ire of War Childe Harold and myself be turned toward thee and thou heathen ways! Huzzah! Damn your eyes! Et cetera, Et cetera.

Also depends on the quality of the peanut butter. It can't be anything less than Thai-grown, organic peanuts crushed by virgins in an earthen vessel under the light of a waxing moon.

That dog had best be a purebred. Otherwise, orgasm is unattainable.

@tim_l - It's just green tea mixed with the tears of commoners wept as their children are torn away from them for a lifetime of servitude in the GOOP mines.

War Childe Harold - Perhaps you would revel in greeting a fist—lovingly embracing a roll of vintage buffalo nickels—with a hearty ahoy-hoy as it pulverizes your jaw into the finest snuff obtainable on this side of the Silk Road?

Except the barn wouldn't reply with "I dare not be sullied by the quality of stone thou chooseth to cast in my direction! Thou shouldst only employ a stone of the utmost geological pedigree when making a valiant attempt to waylay me!" when you hit it with a rock.

Oh, GOOP is tremendous friends with Zodiac Progenitor Fornicator. She just thinks he's delightful.

Pardon me, miss? My equine powered perambulator appears to have a impaired tyre. Could my trusty servant and myself trouble you for the use of your telegraph so that we can ring the local constabulary?

CSI: New York is also awesome because of the ridiculous technology that the lab has (i.e., 3-d hologram imaging in the medical examiner's lab), yet the staff still complain of budget cuts, and the writers have made it a plot point in several episodes.

@teadoust - but at least Seinfeld wasn't supposed to be about a family. I have much less of a problem with dickish single people. But I really hate the dysfunctional family sitcom. And ELR seemed to be terrible about that. Maybe I'm sensitive (as I am a father myself), but I hardly find a neglectful, whining

The problem with NCIS is that its plot arcs from episode to episode are incomprehensible. Also, if that many marines/sailors were being killed off, I think it would be a pretty big news story.

It wasn't just Patricia Heaton's fault that Everybody Loves Raymond was terrible and unwatchable. That show has the worst rogue's gallery of terrible individuals ever paraded before the American public as "family television." I can't stomach even a few minutes of that show because I want to reach through the screen

I hate that stupid girl from "Jurassic Park." She says it's a UNIX system, and then proceeds into a GUI that a UNIX system would never use. Also, my favorite thing about the CSI:Whatever shows is the 3-d body image/hologram that they've started using in medical examiner scenes. And also, the crazy "Minority

Sorry, Argh! Not trying to make you made there…but what about Shadow of the Colussus makes it more artistic than anything else? I've been a gamer for most of my life (until I had a daughter), but I started to notice that any game that stepped outside of the traditional video game action (read—killing people with

I say "I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it," at least once every couple of weeks.

@shizaquawn - I don't have a problem with games being considered art at all. I'm definitely not the kind of person that gets up in arms about someone defining a game as a work of artistic expression—but I think some folks are, and I'd be interested in hearing their opinion.

@Germany - is it because Norway tends to resist invasion?