
That's kind of what I thought too, Karatloz. Perhaps, "Pop culture we tried too late"? The big problem with games as art, though, is it seems as though it's nearly impossible to enjoy them if you are not a direct participant. You can watch a movie and enjoy it, but it can be very hard to observe (as a non-player) a

Old Man's War…
by John Scalzi worked with a similar premise (new body given to old people who agree to serve in the interstellar military). But, given the trailer, I would gladly re-read it before I go and see this.

Video Games
I'm surprised that the inclusion of video games on this list hasn't spawned any "video games as art" discussions. So, here it is…should video games be included on a list that is ostensibly about art?

They're pretty much all that way, TV-Watching Guy.

Kind of the more harsh look at the fairy tale/fantasy tropes then, Todd?

"Strange & Norrell" is well-loved in these here parts, Michigan J. FAIL. You'll see it come up in a variety of book discussions.

The Book of Lost Things
This sounds tangentially similar to John Connolly's "The Book of Lost Things," which I thought was great (and I bought due to a very positive review here). Anyone who's read this one—is it similar?

Now if Urkel would only write "It Matters to Me," about his time with Reginald Vel Johnson, then my library could be complete!

I think it's the actual seasons of SBTB and then all of the time that Screech referenced the show to try to get laid.

Viggo really just misses his kitten. We can just paint one under his arm.

I would also like to see some of the Village People-esque G.I. Joe characters show up too. I mean, have you seen Shipwreck and Gung-Ho? It's like they're extras from the "In the Navy" video.

I would be willing to pay to see this movie if, after (or during) the credits, Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans, and Dennis Quaid interrupt a family cookout to teach children about fire safety. A kitchsy throwback to the cartoon would be awesome.

Agreed, DC. I think that the trailer was intended to be all intense and brooding—but it was laughably terrible. It has special effects reminiscent of PBS productions in the '80s.

The power is in their hands?
What, are they all getting their own Nintendo Power Glove? 'Cause that would be awesome.

I'd like to see Ilium just to see Achilles give his threatening speech to the gods at the end of that book…. That would be worth it to me alone.

Bald cap
I know nothing about this movie other than the trailers I've seen on TV, but even the second-long fleeting images of Cameron Diaz—supposedly bald—are laughably awful. They show her "shaving" her head, but then the next shot of her bald, her head is gigantic because all of her hair is stuffed under there.

No, but he is an admirer of Small in Stature Wayne, who is popular with all of the young people at the soda shoppe and such and such.

It's esperanto for GOOP, ironically.

@Cybernetic Organism — I think that's the title of the song that William made up on the spot at GOOP's house.

We are currently subsiting on intercessions to a diety.