
Took me a good five minutes to figure that one out Floyd Bent Son…well played.

When talking about the Mullins Junior and Senior, it brings me back to the elder statesmen of Hair Metal and skanky realty shows: Bretholomew FitzMichaels IV, esq.

Mine is Boniface—he's great!

Well done.

It doesn't matter to GOOP. She rides in a chauffered Mercedes that's on the back of chauffered flatbed truck. No liability for her!

How can an ass be both stupid and retarded? I'm so confused!

@Modell — good comparison. Or, the nerds (wearing "Genius at Work" t-shirts) who want an explanation for the inaccuracies in "Itchy and Scratchy."

@CraftyJack — sorry, but I think I'd rather hear ZMF's perspective on 19th-century French poetry instead on anyone else's. I'd like to hear his take on who owns (or gets owned by) Baudelaire.

@carson — that may be the case in speaking about the surrounding casts. It also didn't help that everyone I knew in school thought they did a band-up Matt Foley impression, so that schtick got old fast.

Farley and Belushi
When I was a kid, Saturday Night Live was a forbidden fruit kind of pleasure. It started at 12:30 AM, and just watching it made it more awesome than it actually was. As I see clips now, I find that Farley seems less funny upon each repeat viewing, but Belushi seems more funny. Anybody else have a

ZMF 10+, CraftyJack 0. Keep up the good work, ZMF. And happy birthday.

Following on your thoughts, Polemicist, I can't help but wonder if the whole John Scott plotline of the first season is not yet done. Olivia kep interacting with Scott after his "death," but she was able to communicate with him in ways that Walter said were impossible (given the whole memories melding theory).

Maybe alternate Walter has perfected the moving between universes in order to get back his son (as did real Walter). Also, maybe Walter seeing a malevolent version of himself in the asylum was a manifestation of his fears—that his alternate self is going to come and take Peter. Maybe Walter already knows that

I generally agree with the relativity of letter grades to genres of movies, but the system breaks down with X-men Origins: Wolverine. It got a D-, but Ghost Rider got a D. There is no way that Wolverine is worse than Ghost Rider. I think it's just an unfortunate side effect that we—the commenters—compare letter

@Martin Judge — I think a big part of the hate comes from his poor writing ability. It would be entirely possible for Dan Brown to post a new story/novel on the Internets and it get dismissed as poorly written fanfic. His writing style/ability is commensurate with a poorly read college freshman.

Apparently there is also going to be a lady robot in this one. It's (she's?) going to be pink and voiced by a woman. I can only hope that they have more gender/race/national origin inclusion in robots. Maybe a native Alaskan snowmobile?

@Andy Pants — agreed on "Crime and Punishment," excellent book. And if you want philosophical musings and an outlandish (in a good way) plot, check out "The Man Who Was Thursday" by G.K. Chesterton.

Give away the whole thing The Beast Rabin, why don't you? I've practically seen the whole movie now…well at least I'll save 10 bucks.

Non-revelatory trailer: "There is a new movie coming out. That is all." You also couldn't give the MPAA rating—it would spoil the whole thing.

Indeed, that was Dan Castellaneta.