
I don't know - this article is the only time I've seen anyone say something good about it.

Not gonna lie - that sounds like the fucking worst.

She spent the ride back from the theater talking about how dumb Christians are, and then telling me about the ghost she met. So, no.

"I can't wait for the sequel!" - literal quote from the woman I saw it with on a blind date

I love Needful Things for one thing: the phrase "singing in perfect Baptist one-part harmony."

The monkey half of Merlin's Shop is a recut version of the 1984 film The Devil's Gift. (That's why a: there is the abrupt shift from tape to film, and b: the girlfriend abruptly disappears halfway through.) So, maybe the writer was a big reader of Gallery magazine, or maybe it was just coincidence.

Didn't that entire movie with Hit Girl kind of celebrate violence and mass killing?

Oh my God the random shot of him cracking open a Pepsi and taking a long swig - and then a can popping open and all the zombies running like madmen towards it - is the most hilarious part of the movie.

I assume, since they told him what he could use and he didn't just pick whatever they said, that they were labeled in some of code. I mean, I imagine in that entire room he could have found one disease he knew was fatal but treatable if the labels were comprehensible.

Oh God the H. Jon Benjamins are talking to each other

@avclub-30016cd5b9045be8de99ad5f1cbfd9af:disqus I'm pretty sure they're the only show that makes more obscure references than MST3K.

I zero percent understand the love here for AD. I've watched probably two dozen episodes and while it may be better than Family Guy, that's saying basically nothing.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Let me join the chorus and say, you need to watch it properly to get the brilliance of it.

I'm reasonably sure EitS are better known than Sigur Ros among the non-music nerds I know.

@avclub-cb3213ada48302953cb0f166464ab356:disqus I think they're talking about the head dog having a squeaky voice. What a dumb joke.

It just sneaks up on you, it goes "boo"!

Please tell me you didn't have to look up the second quote.

Peek at My Interest: An XXXXX Parody of That Thing the Other Guy Said

And people say the discourse about pop culture is inane.

I would have taken it as a sarcastic comment if he hadn't then gone and said the show was like watching his family get raped. Any of the individual things he said I would believe were ironic and self-deprecating, but all together he just seems like a complete asshole.