I love that movie.
I love that movie.
The reason we don't have long-form horror stories is that after a while you know the characters won't die and you aren't scared anymore. This is the only way to give enough time for us to half-care about the characters (which horror movies often can't with so little time) and also not be secure they won't die.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post. My brain doesn't work.
But wouldn't that make the timeline from the perspective of the absolute time of the book 1-9-2-8-3-7-4-6-5? That sounds nonlinear to me.
I never had that problem with this in Tintin or Polar Express. Wonder what's wrong with me.
I have a pre-Who love for Moffat from Jekyll and Joking Aside, both of which I love deeply. He could turn Doctor Who into an hour of farting a week and I'd still love him.
Every time you refer to the author as "Brannigan" I assume the author was Zapp Brannigan.
I can only hope/presume this much loved character guy is telling an awful tasteless joke.
Yeah, I'm not sure how you would get that, especially Harrelson's look of semi-worry as the crowd is chanting "Sarah".
I haven't noticed anything of the sort. I don't think the AV Club editors have that kind of time.
I totally agree, as is evidenced by the fact I was watching it on YouTube.
One of the first comments is Dawes-related. I wish it were as dead as you think it is, thouh.
The top rated comment on that St Elmo's Fire song (not the Eno one) is that essentially the 80s was the greatest decade of all time and how much better this song was than anything Bieber would ever come out blah blah.
The terrorist guy was just an Asian person who would rather kill himself than listen to Striker's story, though, right?
Is this a different link than goatse.cx? And fuck no I'm not clicking on it.
I didn't understand his "I just bought the airline" line until I saw the movie the third time.
Now that I think about it it's got sort of a Call of Duty 4 -> Modern Warfare 2 dynamic going: sequel to a thing that used spectacle sparingly and brilliantly trying to top it in every way in size and amount.
I haven't seen that movie since I was an early teenager, so the scenes with those two are really half-formed in my memory, but were they racist?
f, star, star, cunt.
Now that I think about it Batman Begins does have a weirdly heavy train focus.