Tenth Doctor

Ded Zepplin? Yup, I guess they really are dead…

It's an interesting concept. Too bad it'll be fucked up.

But who is James Hetfield endorsing? 

This actually looks good!

These guys suck.


The Songs of Leonard Cohen and Live in London.

A friend of mine from high school was related to David Graf, aka Tackleberry. She said he was a cool guy.

It really is one of the best movies of all time.

This is my absolute favorite Christmas film. It profoundly affected me when I was a child, and continues to do so in my adulthood. I'm looking forward to sharing this one with my son when he's a little bit older.

Not that I know of.

It won't happen until Lucas manages to *completely* ruin Star Wars! "Look what I did! I replaced James Earl Jones' voice with that of my own!"

Either that, or obvious live auto-tuning. Watching that special made me want to poke my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

Give the Governor a harrumph!

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

OH. MY. GOSH! It all makes sense now!

I don't think this is such a good idea… It'll piss us off for sure.


It turns out the Adiopose are responsible…

You're thinking of Renard, as seen in The World Is Not Enough