Tenth Doctor

Well, shit.

What about David Tennant?

In space, no one can hear your TARDIS.

You show that suck up bitch, Russell.

I like Ike!

I accuse my parents!

I think we had to pay for our own tickets.

I'll never forget my former pastor taking the youth group to see The Passion of the Christ. *shudder*

I think her "poem" is more like a word vomit.

She never responds to me on Twitter. Self-obsessed bitch.

They're just mad because they can't get laid. Or something like that.

She looks like a mermaid.

The episode where Robin Williams guest-starred was amazing.

Thela Hun Ginjeet indeed.

Very artsy video.

God fucking dammit! It'll totally suck.

Best takedown of Uncle Ted ever.

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Hmm… YouTube video is down. Something about a copyright claim by one "web sheriff"

How much longer till the Charlie Sheen style meltdown?