Lieutenant Buttocks

The big mistake everyone makes is thinking Trump's an idiot. He's highly, highly intelligent and has played this whole thing like a goddamn fiddle. He understood that Americans are dying for authenticity and change and didn't care where they got it. He's turned that into the presidency.

Polls are only as good as their samples. What everyone always forgets is that the real majority is not what we perceive as the majority. A majority of Americans don't watch the Super Bowl, care about the Oscars, or know what the Big Bang Theory is. They also don't usually vote. They are this year and they're

Because they consider themselves tough and Putin *is* legitimately and terrifyingly tough.

Yes, that's humanity by and large.

Hillary is going to lose. Everyone needs to get ready and start stockpiling. I am not joking.

Chick Norris is a national treasure. He fought Bruce Lee and only barely lost. Leave him be.

Yeah, but that scene was just so great:

It was OK. If Rob Bottin had handled the effects, the roles had been mostly recast, and the ending fixed, it could have been great.

In terms of what King was trying to write making it onto the screen, either Stand By Me or The Stand was best. Shawshank Redemption is best movie. Carrie is best horror movie.

Look at the previous three elections (Bush/Kerry, Obama/McCain, and Obama/Romney).

A *private* fact about him. And yes, the fact that his privacy was invaded by faux-journalists is exactly why he destroyed them, and should be applauded for doing such.

If Gawker putting a private sex tape on their site is journalism, everything is. The Fappening was. Revenge porn is. Streaming episodes of the Big Bang Theory is.

It's not up to you to determine if it is good or bad thing. If people want a thing private, for whatever reason, they have a right to that privacy.

Not agreeing or disagreeing. Just telling you their thought process.

Calm down. You don't want to come across as shrill or anything.

Another white person?

You'll be missed.

Maybe he'd be interested in my new project, a male Wonder Woman.

Is it a conviction if you throw a "Hope and" on the front of it?

"Emails" as in "those emails" is plural you dunce.