Lieutenant Buttocks

The reason The Walking Dead doesn't have the plot/characters of The Wire, The Sopranos, or Breaking Bad is because this is a fun little basic cable action/horror show and those are the three greatest dramas of the 2000s.  It's like complaining that Sin City doesn't have the thematic depth of Citizen Kane. 

. . . or maybe it pays off down the line?  Plus, it was the impetus for Daryl deciding to rejoin the prison group.

We're two episodes in!  It's a *good* thing that they're not burning through the entire arc in two episodes.  We've got a multi-episode war between the two groups to go, be patient.

Mad Men?

Except it wasn't that boring.  The banter between the Dixon brothers and Axle/Carol was good, interesting, character-building stuff.  People just seem predisposed to whine when it comes to this show.

There was the big highway brawl too, you know.  The show needs to take at least some time to set up the action setpieces.

"but it’s frustrating that, after the high point of the Woodbury story arc, The Walking Dead is turning back into a show that has only two distinct modes: 3-D splatter attack and survivalist talk show"

Why do you think they're chasing Latinos so hard?  Most likely to be the next middle-class surge, plus traditional social values, the Republicans believe they're the future of the party.

Lust inevitably fades, and you need to replace it with something else to make the love stay strong.  Some people can do this and some people can't.

People don't understand that The Walking Dead's success isn't the result of extreme violence.  It's because the show is the only relatively straightforward action/thriller out there.  There's no quasi-Freudian/pseudo-intellectual/saccharine undertones that seemingly exist in every other drama outside Breaking Bad.

@intangible_fancy:disqus FX poaching a bunch of the riskier dramas doesn't help matters either.

Better in The 14-Year-Old Virgin.

Donald Glover, for when Urkel is too threatening.

Pictured: any TLC show, really.

"Tara and Brian appear to be from another planet."

"One of a surprisingly distinguished list of films to get an “F” from the CinemaScore polling outfit—Steven Soderbergh’s Solaris, Killing Them Softly, Bug, and The Box are others"

"Hulk clobbers Loki."

"Hulk clobbers Loki."

Never bring a Thetan to a knife fight!

Never bring a Thetan to a knife fight!