Lieutenant Buttocks

Because of it's savory green pea-ness?

Because of it's savory green pea-ness?

Quentin Tarantino's version of Beauty and the Beast.

Quentin Tarantino's version of Beauty and the Beast.

I'm flabbergasted at the praise here.  This was an awfully, awfully dumb half hour of television.

I'm flabbergasted at the praise here.  This was an awfully, awfully dumb half hour of television.

I don't think just being on the boat while she (it's Wood, BTW) drowned, really counts.

I don't think just being on the boat while she (it's Wood, BTW) drowned, really counts.

God, let's hope so.

God, let's hope so.

Small point: Michael didn't accidentally drive into the lake; he did it on purpose as a rebellion against technology.  Which is almost as stupid,but still.

Small point: Michael didn't accidentally drive into the lake; he did it on purpose as a rebellion against technology.  Which is almost as stupid,but still.

Please, Louis CK is too smart to ever be caught.

Please, Louis CK is too smart to ever be caught.

Samuel L. Jackson and Christopher Walken.  Just two guys who will always hopefully just be unassailably cool.

Samuel L. Jackson and Christopher Walken.  Just two guys who will always hopefully just be unassailably cool.

I loved that Jack read from The Fountainhead at the wedding.  While Dennis and his wife drunkenly make out in the background.

I loved that Jack read from The Fountainhead at the wedding.  While Dennis and his wife drunkenly make out in the background.