Poo McPooperson

"who's been confronted by the fact that this woman, who might sleep with him, remember, has a complicated sexual life that exists outside the room they're in, and he freaks"

"who's been confronted by the fact that this woman, who might sleep with him, remember, has a complicated sexual life that exists outside the room they're in, and he freaks"

Agreed. MD articulates his thoughts well enough so the grading - which mostly exists for browsing reactionary types - isn't needed.

Agreed. MD articulates his thoughts well enough so the grading - which mostly exists for browsing reactionary types - isn't needed.

I find this semi-interesting. Not so much the first "first", but the detective work that it would take to try and find the first of any meme. Seems too difficult but it could make for interesting adventure. Either that or all of this is a joke.

I thought it linked to the Ron Paul website? Oh well.

I likes me some Will Oldham and understood his sentiment but I don't really care about it. Sure it seems like cheating to place unrelated bits of music into any context but when it's good it's good. That his orchestral scores are always good makes up for this, thought i'm not sure if he has to make up for placing

I really hope the directors win this battle. The grain that we are used to is unnecessary and there should be no reason to concede better image quality just because of an imaginary sheen (or un-sheen).

It's the hip new slang.

That's pretty gnarls, Barkley. I'm glad that technology is pushing us in the direction of audience participation but I'm somewhat weary of the Snakes on a Plane effect. I mean look at the crap that I post.

Bubba don't need no lube/ fell in love with him while watching the cafeteria tube

Placing Phillip Baker Hall on anything makes it fav. T shirts, tampon strings, walls.

You got it.

Sounds nice and a worthy experiment. Not that it matters but I would have liked to have the ability to post frivolous BS under this name and it seems I'll have to creat a new one.

Nice. I figured what that address was since the only people in Omaha are the Flaming Lips - i think - and Warren Buffett, but wasn't sure. I'll see Foghat in hell, though I fully agree with him, her, it.

This issue will sort itself out since the Kings of Black People have intervened. Jessie and Al are going to solve everything.

This was the best David Gordon Green ep. I enjoyed the cartoony Will Ferrel vehicle but - as the Nabist mentioned at the time - it skewed from the Eb&D universe. I'm not sure who picks music for the show, whether it is per director, or whether the creators keep a list but it's the most enjoyable soundtrack i've heard

I've seen a few eps of this show when channel searching and it seems entertaining and worthy of a rental if time permits but there was one thing I was absolutely convinced of prior to reading this interview. I was certain - due to the style - that this was an Augenblick Studios production. Not that it's the most

OK i've got it figured out. David S is really Marc Maron. Thanks for all you give given us Marc…err David but Amirite wins all of the internet points here. I've listened to almost every WTF and I enjoy Marc's 10 minutes of mania about half the time. Sometimes I - and i guess other people - are not in the mood. What

Where in the hell is Horsefellow when you need him. And where's my Chippy!