Poo McPooperson

I have a few Republican friends (not many) and some are reasonable. They can justify a sort a position that is more libertarian than "conservative" and I love having those conversations from my all over the place leftish perspective. The Republicans who are not reasonable and wholly reactionary are the ones that

I love the show and other shows like it about physics, philosophy and cosmology in general. I'm looking forward to the show about nothing, though it was great when it was called Seinfeld..zing.

I don't really identify as a thing, a conservative or liberal or liberterian…etc, but one thing i've noticed in American Political discourse is that it is comically bi-poplar and stupid - like the two dominant parties. I'd like to rant on this board but it is a complicated issue as to why discourse is overally black

I thought there would be a Tarantino foot fetish joke. Guess not, but man does that dude have a sickness for shooting lady feet. He's the director so there doesn't have to be a practical reason for him filming what he wants to film but he sure does this a lot. My theory: He shoots from low angles because he imagines a

Todd did a fair job of explaining HBO but the issue of internet piracy is one I'm still on the fence with. I've read a fair amount of content from all sides but one issue that ties the parties up is the effervescence of digital products. Since you no longer have to have a physical copy to experience media how does one

Yes Ghostbusters 2 was definitely my first disappointment though the mania of being a baby fan boy blinded me to its flaws. I watched most of it recently when it re-ran on some movie channel and it is the worst. It is just a shitty movie and seemed that the cast was just collecting a check. The story and main villain

As someone who has been posting here and nowhere else for something like six or seven years I feel weirdly proud about this. In fact for the first time in ages ZMF showed up yesterday when a group of posters started talking about Faces of Death in the Daniel Von Bargen thread.

Wow, you weren't screwing around. Apparently Daniel von Bargen - and no I didn't know his name prior to the search - had to get Diabetes related amputations and didn't want to go through it. What amazes me is he went for the temple, survived then was apparently able to call for an ambulance. Weird.

Wow, I missed the first article from Jan 30th so this is a real surprise to me. I hope it works and that it doesn't eat much time from CK's experiments in Louie. People - like me I guess and many on this site - shit on Two and a Half Men, but I'm of the mind that despite it being LCD it allowed network sitcoms to

Speaking of Netflix I watched Spaced for the first time only a couple of weeks ago and it seems Dave's super powerful dad was Mark Heap, the guy who played Brian the Artist.
As for the ending yes it was disappointing but remember they did repeatedly say, "things are gonna get worse." They were right. I still think the

(pours a bit of 40 ounce malt liqour onto the ground)

That's right. I forget exactly how the story goes but either members from the group or a friendly designer just picked it out of a science catalog. You can't copyright a pulsar graph. Disney prove me wrong.

When i looked at the pic (font, aesthetic, cutsy, nice title) before clicking on the trailer link I thought to myself, looks like something Wes Andersonsy. Well I was right so I should win something. Maybe something that's small, precious, upper-middle class and cool. I win Jay Schwartzman.

Yes, yes. Exactly that. Get Larry Ellison's daughter's money, the Cohen Brothers and HBO on the same page. Get Brother Ali to play the Judge. Only a miniseries not a condensed film.

I'd have to revisit this show and listen to commentary but I really liked it during its run. It was a worthy experiment and got weirder and weirder, and so weird that i wanted a 2nd season to happen. I'm not sure how much of it was intentional but I was a big fan of John's facial expressions, one of which is at the

Drozd and for you gentle folks who responded try some Jinbo Akira (Akira Jinbo). It will be the soundtrack to every random basement you visit. :)

WTF. Oh well i'm sure it'll be a worthy experiment. Drozd is God!

Not sure who or what counts as my favorite band but is someone puts a gun to my head - which has been happening much more frequently for some reason - I'd say The Walkmen.

Bravo. Very good snark Jizzanthapus.

How bout, "Hey Boo Boo! Weh you pahked da cah!"