Poo McPooperson

ML is not an economist and people should note that he writes firstly to entertain and secondly to inform. He's pretty good at referencing economists and from there one can do draw conclusions and find metrics by reading associated research papers written by said economists.

I'm a noob and didn't play Demon Souls. I've just gotten to the Taurus Demon, to show you how early on in the game i am, but I figured out why this game has a different kind of appeal. It's old school hard and it reminds me of Mega Man. Yes Mega Man. The reason is because death and retracing steps is everything. It

Our long time national nightmare is over.

d'oh! Damn car stealing, fence jumping, wetback Billionaires. They're all the sames I tells ya!

Where's Richard Branson's daughter when you need her. If I was CK I'd just send her copies of the show and a card saying, "Yes please."

skeet skeet

Correct because teams now throw their money at players after viewing them through a Sabermetric lense. The reason the As can't compete anymore is because they've been priced out of a system they popularized. It doesn't mean money trumps research but it sure as hell can buy it.

Done and done. These walkthroughs are better than the season 1 commentary tracks. Can't believe how efficient this guy is as a director/producer. The showbiz zeitgeist nowadays has people asking for the Louis deal, problem is the skill set to do this is rare. There certainly isn't any other standup who can handle this.

I should be able to articulate how happy Louis, the show, and these walkthroughs make me but I can't. All I can do is the jacking off motion which is bothering my coworkers.

I get annoyed by Maher's smugness, even if he's good at being clever about it, hated Religulous, as a doc, but he's one of the few hard unapologetic lefties on TV so I give him a pass. If you want reasonable flower sniffing leftists watch Link TV.

I'll likely purchase too even though the articles - i think - are still on the Times website. Be forewarned; it's pretty heavy stuff. I'd recommend that you read one of the essays first before purchasing. Ah heck people will think you're a cool shit if you have it but reading it is another matter. He unnecessarily

He looks like The Hitcher from the Mighty Boosh. Just a terrifying creature.

I re-watched BeetleJuice not too long ago and noticed that Beetlejuice is in only about 20 minutes of the film. As a kid I loved the film and cartoon but it skewed the hell out of what I remembered the film to be. Someone look it up, but I swear Keaton's in for no more than 20 minutes even if he's great for every

PO can be preachy like any other comediant but I likes his preach. I'll just say get the audiobook for Zombie Spaceship Wasteland. It's cheap and it good. Ironically the only part I didn't like was the ZSW chapter. The comparisons such as, "if you do this you must be a Spaceship" was cornball but the rest was great.

When seeing him try a pass on Billy Bob Thornton's character in the Man Who Wasn't There, by winking, I laugh out loud and get aroused every time. It and when Clooney and Pitt meet each other in Burn After REading are among the funniest Coen moments I always get back to. If you want to get up the ladder at work just

I treat comedians and their jokes the same way I do musicians and their songs by not looking at absolutes. Of course it's nice when a particular comedian or musician has a catalog that suits me but when rating their singles (jokes or songs) I can comfortably say I'm not all that in to artist X but some of his material

Just let me watch…her eat a ham-mich.

I second Andrew Wyke's post.

Agreed on Prison WOates.

I can't wait to see this thing but have to bitch about something that I've noticed. Nabin seemingly gets to review things that he loves and thus writes highly of them. Being he's probably my favorite writer in this site and is typically writing about things I care about, like rap and comedians this should be good, but