Poo McPooperson

I hope they show the lost Lannister, Tyrone Lannister, the Black banner carrier.


Whatever he does I'm sure it's going to be great. PTA will probably spoof cults in general but will surely focus on Scientology specifically and considering the era he'll cover the Scientology comparisons will be unavoidable anyway. The rise of Hubbard is an interesting story in itself no matter whether you respect

I'm so glad these write-ups are happening. There are few ways to see the mid america zeitgeist than clicking in to the WWE. Vince is really good with packaging really awful packets of current culture. With all of the mideast strife I'm sure he'll make another attempt at an Iron Sheik type (if he hasn't already done

yes free good.

Ghostbuster Universe
I absolutely loved Ghostbusters and its cartoon as a kid and it rendered the toy based cartoons of the day as nothings to me but it has not aged well IMO (for me). Gs was good and Murray made the film since he seemed to be the only one self aware. Any serious continuation of the serious isn't good

My issue (and honestly i haven't thought much about this, so here I am posting on a website) is that the Greenery will make him a billionaire. More power to him, but I'm just a cynic. Global Tep variances are important to deal with and we should do so sooner rather than later, but they are maybe only the 7th most

I don't necessarily see anything wrong with trying to improve the world and making money at the same time, but there is something off-putting about Gore positioning himself as the first Green Billionaire.

"They all just seem like derivatives of the ur-viral-video-show, America's Funniest Home Videos. "

You're right. I'm forgetting only those with festival trips have lucked out.

Whut and Muddy Waters
Two of my favorite rap albums ever. Red gets a pass for everything that happened after that.

Boxing Gym/ Tabloid

I don't care much for Glee and or Billboard (Mutherfuck them, and John Wayne), but the headline confused the hell out of me so I was forced to dig.

Well this happened already didn't it? Henry Hill and his family's adventures. I believe it was called King of the Hill.

I know what's going on. PTA is actually filming a doc about how Scientologists (or as insiders call it, Xeslums) control Hollywood. The film was just bait and its implosion is the scenary!

I liked 100 miles off a lot even though their best song (IMO) was a cover. The middle part of that album is really strong even though I still crack a laugh when hearing the first vocals on "All Hands and the Cook". I know the lyrics now, but it just sounded like he was speaking in tongues.

FUCK, indeed. I'm genuinely angry over this. I'm a huge PTA and PSH fan and …ughhh.

On a serious note; the other M is - you guessed it - Frank Stallone.

AVC: Rolling Stone described you as the "Miles Davis of stand-up comedy." How much of your act is written vs. improvised?

The pic is definitely of David Crosby…or is it. John Swartzwelder is a figment of everyone's imagination but I'd reccommend the Exploding Detective.