Poo McPooperson

I love Tandy's films as much as anyone but he hasn't been much of a money maker in his career so I understand why the studio would balk at a 35 mill USD budget. Other than, There Will Be Blood he has either broken even or lost money for his employers. If I was obscenely rich I'd give him the cash but there's a reason

Yes Buscemi is awesome in general, but especially because he is the living embodiment of the Peter Lorre caricature in Looney Tunes.

SPOILER (for no one)
Here it is. At 20'39" they show young Majid with his mouth bleeding in the study of Georges' childhood home. I believe the little clip occurs before Georges points out Majid as a culprit because only he would have sent the drawings - with the rooster or bleeding kid - that wrapped the tapes. I

This is probably an utter wast of time but I wonder if any techs/ AV writers read any of this old stuff. I'm here because Ebert (now over a month ago) wrote an updated review on this and claimed that somewhere on the DVD you can see a foreshadowing of sorts on the end. I checked that area of the film and didn't see

I played through 9 and enjoyed it, but wow do those challenges make me reconsider my labeling myself a "gamer". I love videogames but there is no way I have the time or inclination to go through that kind of torture. It is absolutely obscene what some of these folks are capable of and I give them their props and am

If you want to get used to Herzog the eccentric watch Julian Donkey Boy. If you want to get used to Herzog the documentarian go with Encounters.
If you want to get used to Herzog the straight film to go with is Aguirre.
If you want your mind blow, google "Werner Herzog chicken quote".

We could poke fun at DMX all we want but his, "Ima have to show niggas, how easily we blow niggas." was great for the gay black community. (or was it the black gay community?)

There were mix tapes right before his first album came out and even though he his lyrics weren't the best he had great energy. At the time -

(laughs hysterically after noticing Cat Balls. Then licks self)

I'll have ride the Louis CK love train as well.

Thanks for the article, although it has been known for some time (maybe forever) that AIW is partially an exercise in logic and Alice traverses the land by solving illogic. Still interesting though.

I go to the AVC for a reason, and it's that I - for the most part- trust the writers, and think the posters sexy. I'll still watch the film eventually but the tone of Keith's review indicates that my cynicism of Burton's Alice in Wonderland was warranted (characters being functionaries, the world not shining,

OK. You know how sometimes you always feel like you are forgetting something media wise - an album, film, suppository…etc - and you can't quite remember due to the loads of lists in media flowing through your head to grab or steal it so you can listen, watch or insert it? For me it's this fucking show. The AVC (or is

I think I enjoyed the film immensely but have since been terrified of sitting through it again for reasons I can't quite explain to myself (though I suspect that it has to do with its density and heavy pre-occupation with death).

I'd like to thank umbrella stands, Vishnu, car batteries and just passing by.

The blu ray is welcome news although I'll likely flix rather than buy. The old DVD of LM - unless I grabbed a shitty iteration - was crap.

At 6:66 mark is the ghost of Walyon Jennings.

When I read the title of this article I had the same exact thought that Lone Audience had about Shia LaBeouf wearing a Strokes T shirt all throughout the first Transformers. I had that same exact T shirt given to me by a ex-friend about 9 years ago due to my putting him on to them and giving him free music. I loved

He and (I think) Lee are hilarious interviews, but are pure menace to the interviewer. I wonder how much of it was cut due to his saying batshit.

Yeah and I bet you dance like Ian Curtis to it.

For a comedy.The General from the Lady Killers. His death wasn't all that badass.