Poo McPooperson

Kit (Martin Sheen) - Badlands. The dude shot Warren Oates in the back.

Fuck if I know, but as a serious aside to any enthusiasts out there:

It has been some time since my last viewing but it was indeed beautifully shot/lit and gave a great mood throughout which is why the pool scene gnarliness was somewhat disorienting for me. Maybe that's the intending reaction but I was taken aback by the skimming across the water. It's weird to say, but I felt most of

I liked the film, thought it cute and - for a vampire film - thought it somewhat realistic. I can't speak for all of the emo postings about how folks felt connected but I want to type about a practical matter in the world of the film that I think Scott T is missing.

Somebody fuck wolfmansrazor and give me a six pak.

Oh. Jennings left the production because a Stevie Wonder song suggestions. Damn do I wish the argument was recorded.

Site helpful.

Let the fucking 80s die please, but if T Pain can sing the Willy Nelson line in vocoder it'll make my year.

Warren O. Phillip Seyour Hoffman is always either the only good thing or greatest thing in anything he's in. In order words I love that man.

I did see Hurt Locker and the set pieces were fantastic, but I wasn't a fan of Jeremy Renner's side jobs (looking for the kid, night battle) and how the film was "tied" together. I really wish it was nothing but set piece after set piece.

Thanks for that velvety. I see nothing wrong with what Weinstein said and seemed like constructive critique not about Morris the filmmaker, but Morris the self-promoter.

Very sad. Just when they would have been able to fund my campaign. My cause you ask? Lasagna.

I'm not going to try to go toe-to-to with the Historian posters since I'd get my ass kicked anyway but will say that A People's History is important to me and showed me at a young age that there was another side. Note that it didn't really show which side was right, it was just giving me a side that the average public

LOL and looks around.

It was a surprisingly good and somewhat tense debate on the fucking Tooth Fairy of all things, Tasha's hatred of children (ok I exagerrate) and Scott's hatred of Tasha's relativity theory of reviewing out-of-demo films.

I'm glad Nabin has joined the club and look forward to his writing essays after each season, but I take issue with poopooing the chess analogies, only in the context of this particular show. Granted I may have thought about this only because of a sub conscious compulsion to defend the show and writers, but having

Fraser: We're going to have to work around the clock. Seconds even.

I thought it was pretty good but do not encourage firstery. I do enjoy the thought of a theoretical Jay versus the real one.

Alluh U Akhbar!

I agree with both of the posters above.

For Haiti do not concern yourself with what the AVC thinks and donate to a trusted source (say Red Cross or any proper charity). Try http://lifehacker.com/54479…