Poo McPooperson

I'll just type that I like Zimmern.

I like Shuga and Treme in my Coffee.
David Simon is doing this show which is all any of you need to know. I would advise against reading too much about it prior to the debut (other than the inevitable AVC interview).

I have no choice but to piggyback threads and will provide a half-assed solution. Netflix can get bare bones DVDs that only contain the film and cannot get "extras". If Hollywood is still not happy then a time delay is fine, but since most people who didn't care to see the flick in theathres won't give a shit about

I do believe that one should be responsible for what they do on or off drugs, and personally feel that drugs of all kinds should be avoided at all costs. That said if any of you have tiny round ovals with the imprints E797 and M360 on them, do not touch them and send them to me.

If they give a free preview and give me dope to watch it with, I'll watch the fuck out of the World Cup. I'm a Futbol poseur if you will.

By the way, I'll share my theory on how to monetize the interwebs if each AVCer puts 2 cents into my paypay account. Just 2 cents. C'mon!

Look I like Eggers and find some of his work cute and funny (yay), but he needs to shut the fuck up about pay models. His 3rd party assertion is comically stupid. What does he think propped up papers for this long? Not subscriptions.

*farts loudly then wipes sweat off forehead.

BEVS = Radical of negative 1.

My pop-culture resolution is to masterbate and eat more…to pop-culture.

Captain EO? More like Captain Day Oh….heeeyoooo.

I like documentaries and I like sports and this series is a decent combo. All that I care about in terms of the art of making a good doc is that the person directing it is obsessive and really gives a damn. Ideally the third attribute would be that the person is a good director and storyteller which would seem obvious

I have never played any of the hand held Zelds, but if ya'll gon talk some Zelda, I'm gonna talk some muthafuckin Zelda!

Ze Byat Mahn iz cools no.

I'm an MD-2020 GUY. Stay dirty my friends.

Yup. Same here. How can this not be good. PTAnderson directs faux-bio pic on Scientology-like substance starring Phil Seymour Hoffman. That's all you need to know. Bring back Jon Brion and we can have a four-some.

I do not dress up my dogs, but dress up by Cheadles.

Man I don't know what ya'll talkin bout, hatin on Mcconney Baby. He's just a cool guy, you know, and I'm sure his brother is all cool and all too. What I'm sayin is ya'll need to chillax, kick off your shoes and smoke a doobie. Durt, durp, durf. Naw mean brothers and sisters (coughs).

I'll do a little play-by-play.

I disagree with the review. It is the first home console 2d mario in ~16 years and it is exactly what "I" wanted. As most know, the story in any Mario game can be thrown away since it is all about the gameplay and level design. I feel the control is precise and the extra tweeks with using the wii-mote are welcome (the