Poo McPooperson

As opposed to my usual inane postings I'm going to be serious for a second (takes off moustache and pulls up pants).

Hold on a fucking second; Are Josh Jackson and Toby McGuire the same person?


// ponders need of suicide and anti-suicide list, then farts

Congrats sir.

The show had a good run. ~6 seasons (10-12 eps per) is a solid run on cable. The show isn't is good as it was, but what show is after 6 seasons. So congrats to Lennon and crew.

Look. We needed Les Paul in our lives anyway.

British Sea Power if fantastic and worth it. That piece of shit would be lucky to get BSP.

I'll eventually read this thing, but I'll give Nabin a word of advice (since I'm a fucking genius and all).

I agree with both Michael Cain, Fats and Fat's peener. Funny, funny shit.

"Nice fucking model!" ,

Wow. Good question. Despite killing work time on the AV for years I never gave this much thought. I guess the good questions/ideas are the ones that as soon as you hear them, you think that you should of thought of yourself. (I haven't even read the damn article yet)

Who turned Larry King into a wax figure?

The soundtrack of the LadyKillers alone warrants watching it. I though it was great and the only Cohen movie that I am iffy on is Intolerable Cruelty which I saw after being Jet lagged and drunk.

Yes to Emmet Walsh! His next role should be playing Doyle "O.G. Poker Cowboy" Brunson in…anything.

My fondest TMNT memory was the Hostess pudding pie sold before the part 2. It was green and delicious. I was chubby and content.


I've been entertained by Nabin for a very long time, for absolutely free, and will purchase this as a sort of retroactive payment. My only question is; will it be on audio soon and who will be the narrator? (Please let it be Sam Elliot). Lastly, really really like the cover, which in my world counts for 51%.

Oliver Pubes. Nice, very nice.

Ahem. Dreamcatcher.