Poo McPooperson

Mark Mothersbaugh.

"Oh, no! The machine is buried in the pyramid! If they turn it on, it will destroy the sun! Not on my watch!" ,

I'm not a score-ologist but have heard of these guys and am of the same opinion as Leonard Pierce on Williams. My only probably is that I'm not sure if it's Williams or Spielburg's fault that the compositions seem - in my opinion anway - misplaced and therefore grating. Some of the horns just kill me. They need to

What's important to me is that Andre raps. The guy was maybe my favorite rapper growing up and last I checked he was Prince-i-fying himself.


Ah yes the Wizard of Oz. If only they could remake it and Motown-i-size it in some way.

Ugggh. WTF. The title and poster are hilarious and I don't know whether that's intentional or unintentional. I'm waiting to hear reviewers and talk showistas say, "Cameron Dias' Box".

Yeah, but do they eat his cereal?

The Perry films are definitely Christian but especially African American Christian.

She'll top it with Mimi3000, 2: The Mivenge.

Eddie brought me so much joy from his early work that I feel sorry for him. But after remembering he is a constant douche I stop the sobbing. I hope he tries an adult comedy written by people who are, how do you say, good.

I do own a TV but am homeless.

Super Mario Galaxy was really, really good and the last game I played consistently.
That said Chrono Trigger is probably the best rpg I've ever played. Yay beat Lavos…

I personally enjoyed that firstie.
The article didn't make laugh nearly as much as I thought it would.
It is impossible to make a Mario movie.
That gooma picture/video made me laugh and make a fool out of my self amonst my co-workers.


In Conan I trust, but Colbert is the guy who might be impacted the most. Of course I could be full of shit, but I believe that Cone Bone and Cold Beer share roughly the same audience and one may be tuned out. I personally will watch the daily show and the Coney monologue before shutting off my TV.

I was listening to Dave…
**does jacking off motion with both hands.

Dammit I'm a fucking retard and will reverse my position. Drugs for all, especially Keith Phipps. Hoo Ray!

I remember having a Teddy Ruxpin bear. It had a cassette player in the back and would lip sych stories. The thing scared the fuck out of me at first but then I became a man learned how to destroy it.

Haven't I already read all of this shit online? I don't feel like supporting Keith Phipps' drug habit.

I'll also add a new classic which I've seen a couple of times and has to do with something called "Baby Safe Haven". It has a bunch of teens rapping about the benefit of abandoning their baby as opposed to aborting it. I think it's on Youtube.