Poo McPooperson

If you're talking about New England in general nearly everyone should know this, ahem:

Here is a phallus jape about your mother that you would find unsavory.

I guess it doesn't fit, but someone needs to TVCisize Locked Up Abroad which is either about being locked up in foreign countries or locking up broads.

I'm looking forward to viewing Debie's handywork as much as anything and the mention of the "into the plane shot" reinforces my anticipation. As for Noe being a hack, I disagree and should get credit for knowing to hire Benoit Debie. "I Stand Alone" tells the story of man's quest to lose all his humanity. It - in my

Hah! The article about Pitt as comedy god was cute and I pretty much agree. Pitt's facial expression after meeting George Clooney in a closet in Burn After Reading makes me forgive him for all of his transgressions.

"But maybe that's just because the vast majority of the dialogue isn't spoken in English. "

Ah yes, Nevermind. They should play it in its entirety.

His actual jokes were OK, but I love the way it was shot.

Good bless her and may Jesus, Alistair Crowley and Muhammad hold her hand. By the way did they say what she did with all of her leftover painkillers? -Please call.

That is a ga narly beard. It has its own post office.

Nabin's description of John C. Reilly is apt, but he forgot to add, lovable, large, mentally challenged baby.

Anyone? Helloooo. Wiseman Docs on the cheap or rentable. An answer is for the benefit of the country.

Dear any AV Clubber,

How bout somebody remake James Woods' gigantic schlong.

Everyone who remembers Orca watched it in the same context as I was implying; As a kid who liked whales, especially Shamu. The music is what really made me feel mushy so Xenu bless Ennio Morricone.

You assholes totally ruined the ending. Helloooo! Spoiler Alert!

(Apologies, as I have no choice but to piggyback posts due to tech issues *starts weeping).

That title had me spit out coffee.
As for Wilder, how does he smell and who is the man behind the man?

That's pretty much how I see it and if I were them would do the same. I'm not sure of the current model (what revenue per dvd sale/ rental/download goes to Fox) but the rental business (or what's left of it) will simply act as a vehicle for people without internets to get these films, and due to their being bare

Ouch my head hurts.