Poo McPooperson

Mattie doesn't have to be played by an actual kid. They should try Natalie Portman or the British Natch Port - Keira Knightly. They are both solid actresses and titless.

This should be a great combo. I'm really curious as to who will play Rooster and Mattie. How bout Sam Elliot and Hannah Montana. That would be tittage!

We now greet each other with handjobs and there are less Doritos per bag. By the way hello, and would you like a chip?

I wanna sip koolaid out of her kollar bone.

This is not a laughing matter. This will help really cool blind people. An aging Fonz if you will.

The remaking of still contemporary items is the P Diddy-i-sizing of America and must be stopped!

As a consumer I hate this, but I understand why they'd attempt such a thing.

Something contrarian!

A Mormon ay.
Or Moron.
Either way she's going to Heaven.

What you said is essential you crazy essentialista.

I agree (in part) with mrs. Izzard and the (in part) Mitch Hedburg comparisons. Through my own viewing of the show last night both Wes Anderson and Hedburg came to mind. When it comes to WA, its not the jokes that he delivers, but an overall aesthetic that's shared. There is this sort of cuteness and innocence that


Hold on. You included Here Come the Warm Jets. I don't believe there's anything glam about it. If it's "glam" at all, than maybe it's glam through a blender.

Diamond Dogs was pretty good, but it's an average Bowie album in my opinion (my opinions are facts). One thing I took from it is that "Big Brother" should be played during the highlight clips after presidential debates.

I've had the Snake Whiskey (I coulda swore it was whiskey and not wine) and it is fucking harsh. It looks cool though and they (the snakes or small viet cong) can be bottled in nips bottles as well. Any Vietnamese community is sure to have them somewhere in the back of one of those stinky marts. Really cool lookin

"He is an old man who smokes too much hash and prays to a lizard god. Don't buy his bullshit."

I watched last night's ep (odds are it's on Adultswim.com as I type this) and it was pretty damn good, although I have to re-watch it a few more times. Long story short: Xavier tries to save a child from a priest, only the child is sexually abusing the priest. He inserts this kid into a black family that lost their

Very entertaining read, although I'd attribute very little to Josh. Those two are a hurricane of laughs (yuk, yuk, chuckles).

I haven't read the entire interview and am swamped at work (I work in a pink slip factory), but I must say that I just about worship these motherfuckers. Wonder Showzen and Xavier are must watch shows and both are refreshingly absurd.

What kind of a man is he?