Poo McPooperson

I think part of this attempt is cool (the "you should feel what they feel" part), but a part of me thinks it's highly irresponsible. What if one of the conference folk had a contagious blood disease (Hep C) and it spread to someone else. Surely there's something that we aren't being told (a contingency).

You want art house?

Agreed. It flopped terribly for whatever reason and has a sort of following. All that I know is that I can't stop watching it while it's on, despite my hatred of the Kim Kattrel (and nerdy writer chick) characters. The actor who plays Lo Pan (hearts) is reason enough to see the movie.

You better believe it. There is a canned Indy look and I don't see what's wrong with shilling it to kids in their post-goth period. That's what this is all about and I see it in the same class as Def Jam making their musicians. If you really want to see the times just look at the WWE ocassionally (I swear).

As I sometimes do, I'll print out an AVC article and read it during lunch. The line "And then—spoiler alert?—the bitch pretty much just up and explodes." made me look like a complete ass in front of a group of high ranking officials. You may have cost me a promotion you evil SOB.

Apologies for Saddlebacking your post as I'm unable to use "POST NEW COMMENT".

EXTRA!!! Jesus crashes his spaceship into Vikings to destroy Hellboy.

Two points (to cardboard).

My guilty displeasures:

What critics and media lovers need to differentiate between, are works of art that are lauded due to their time (innovation at the time) and works of art that stand the test of time. Innovation and timelessness - both are reltive to someone's experiences anyway - can be mutually exclusive. For example Kyle mentions

It doesn't matter the level of celebrity, but what draws these folks to the show is what I'm asking. I sort of understand John C. Reilly and a few of the comedians, but Peter Stormare seems out of his element. At the very least it would have been something to ask, along the lines of, "You have had a number of actors

Davi Walls,

Here is a reward for being you (pssst you're special).

Quick Review
It was good and did a decent job of continuing from s1's finale, an ep that (to me) was written as a serie's finale. Their resetting the Concordverse worked well, ableit half-assedly.

I'd like to see that as well, but De Niro and Pacino haven't been able to escape their De Nironess and Pacinoness in years. Like Tom Cruise - for me at least - they have either transcended actordom or simply suck at acting at this point. They can't shake themselves.


I look so pretty on the internets.