
As far as Raylan goes, I think this is the season he gets to be his own Big Bad. Certainly the plotlines keep knocking him down and humiliating him, but he's not taking the hint yet. I don't think it's working as well as it could - there really isn't any momentum to Raylan's stories - but I appreciate what they're

Agreeing with mello yello - I was surprised by how surprised Boyd looked after Wynn shot the dealer. It's not like he's exactly new to working with the heartless criminal element. For that matter, Boyd might do the same thing himself.

Agreed on Challengers. I listened to it for about 12 hours in a row while finishing my final grad school paper, so it had a lot of time to grow, but I do think it really pays off the attention. When the groups slows down and gives you a chance to think, they're still good.

Agreed on Challengers. I listened to it for about 12 hours in a row while finishing my final grad school paper, so it had a lot of time to grow, but I do think it really pays off the attention. When the groups slows down and gives you a chance to think, they're still good.

I really liked Stannis' speech to Davos about the siege of Storm's End. The actor's matter of fact, slightly bitter delivery was perfect. It made Stannis a lot more sympathetic, both because you could understand his position (he did his duty, though it was unimaginably awful, and didn't complain; and now, no one will

I really liked Stannis' speech to Davos about the siege of Storm's End. The actor's matter of fact, slightly bitter delivery was perfect. It made Stannis a lot more sympathetic, both because you could understand his position (he did his duty, though it was unimaginably awful, and didn't complain; and now, no one will

Speaking as a recovering lawyer, it is difficult to overstate the expense and unpredictability of lawsuits. Carol's bravado aside, an eminent domain suit in this case would be very long, very unpredictable (got to get the government to cooperate; companies do not themselves have eminent domain power), and very

All true - Pete is up there with Doc Venture for sheer uselessness - and it's always driven a lot of his & Billy's squabbling, I'm just wondering if Billy is going to mind enough to do something about it. Hey, if they'll swap out Brock and give Doc Venture some room to improve, I figure they'll try anything. Except,

I thought that we saw real character growth for Billy. The ep firmly establishing that he is actually in the small pantheon of genuinely competent Ventureverse characters, and what's more that he knows it and is even willing to face Brock down over a point of principle (spectacular compromise, BTW). Pete comes off

Tasha Robinson, you're a genius. Guillermo del Toro would go nuts with "Season of Mists."