
I believe the correct plural is "spiders-pig".

I offer this up in the same spirit that it took the Pixies doing 'I Can't Forget' to make Leonard Cohen really click for me: the Futureheads do a genuinely superb version of 'Hounds of Love' on (I believe) their first album. It shows that, beneath the performance and the the production, there's one hell of a song

If there's one thing those songs taught me, it's this: freedom, man. It's SO not free.

The "right" is basically all about emotional arguments: fear, anger, entitlement etc. The "left" are, in the main, trying to argue on the basis of facts: this is a good idea because of this, this will effect things in this way, etc etc etc. And those things take longer to explain, are messier to achieve, and tend to

Mitch Hedberg was pretty impersonal, and damned hilarious. Or maybe he was super-personal and I'm unfairly underestimating the degree of his domestic koala infestations.

It's a big ol' load of shit.

Er, Ausie in America, you are aware that Perry's number one here [in Australia] at the moment, right? And that Gaga's been stonkingly huge as well? Or is that your point?

Ah, but: Do you remember the time when that bee flew in?

24 is the Highest Number is not just the worst sketch that Mr Show ever did, the mere fact of its existence makes sketch comedy smell a little bit more like vomit than it needs to smell. And I think that's very, very sad.

As anyone who's played Crackdown will attest, exactly-like-the-original-in-most-respects is perfectly fine, since the original was fucking awesome. That's what sequels should be: the same again, only more.

"Lambada Week"
Is there a more beautiful, evocative phrase in the English language?

I'm trying, people - god knows I'm trying, because I love the hell out of this band - but I suspect that a good half of this album sucks balls, and the other half was done better before. Like, 'The Weekenders' is great and everything, but I liked those exact same chords better when they were called 'You Can Make Him

With regards Axis of Awesome: I think they've just passed "hacky" and moved into "have finally hit their stride". Their Sydney Comedy Festival show was funny as hell - and, with regards this particular discussion, as a "comedy band" rather than "stand up act" they got away with doing some of their best known material

Jesus mother of fuck.

The Monarch described his emnity with Venture as "a deadly game of cat and also-cat."

Gorg: quit jiving me, turkey.

Sadly, Lovecraft, I did not. For some insane reason I thought "oh, that'd look weird" rather than thinking sane thoughts.

Back when I was following my doomed, doomed dreams of being a rock star…
…my band were on the same stage as The White Stripes at the Big Day Out in Adelaide in (I think) 2002. Meg was wandering around in the backstage area that afternoon and was very sweet, quite chatty, and wearing the tiniest hotpants I have ever

While we're on the topic - there's an awesome New Scientist article that makes a strong case that a lot of the scenes in Alice are veiled attacks on the new-fangled mathematics that were starting to emerge in academia at the time: