Yeah that's a-ok. If he asks me in the presser what my theme is I'll let him know it should be spelled theem cuz let's get realzies. If Kid N' Play wrote a dictionary there's no chance they aren't spelling it theem. And that HAIR!
Yeah that's a-ok. If he asks me in the presser what my theme is I'll let him know it should be spelled theem cuz let's get realzies. If Kid N' Play wrote a dictionary there's no chance they aren't spelling it theem. And that HAIR!
I wrote a short story about standing on the beach and the wind blowing hard and looking out and thinking of the old country and what our ancestors must have been thinking when they decided to call it the Mayflower, and I realized it wuz prolly May and some lady the cap'n wanted to churn was holding a flower and he wuz…
I just watched the one about the 13 yr old girl who got her first period in gym class on the jazzercise bike all over the football captain's foot on steroids directed by Lance Armstrong it was called Cycle Cycle Cycle by Cycle and then I threw out the extra reuben bc Brian is still out at class at 115 am ok….
Carrie and Brody gonna go into Witness Protection in Hawaii, stay at Obama's grammas house cuz Brody's a national hero. Jess gonna fly Dana and Chris out so her and Mike could bang all over their really clean houses and eat dry eggs. Chris gonna play Wave Runner on Dreamcast.
Carrie and Brody gonna go into Witness Protection in Hawaii, stay at Obama's grammas house cuz Brody's a national hero. Jess gonna fly Dana and Chris out so her and Mike could bang all over their really clean houses and eat dry eggs. Chris gonna play Wave Runner on Dreamcast.
- Brody just chillin in the room when JLD kicks it but hey big whoop
- Carrie escapes and I guess people just assume she cried so much that she caused a flood which swept her out of the pawn starred 24 set.
- Brodys all "It was either you or Walden" and worlds smartest crybaby isn't all 'but you could have just not…
- Brody just chillin in the room when JLD kicks it but hey big whoop
- Carrie escapes and I guess people just assume she cried so much that she caused a flood which swept her out of the pawn starred 24 set.
- Brodys all "It was either you or Walden" and worlds smartest crybaby isn't all 'but you could have just not…
Yeah I wuz listenin to Obama on WTF with Marc Maron the other day and he was all 'Social programs and peace deals is just crowd work - I'm not on the casino circuit here. If Sinbad wants to reform Medicare, that's cool, that's his thing. I wanted to find the darkness so I followed the drones."
Yeah I wuz listenin to Obama on WTF with Marc Maron the other day and he was all 'Social programs and peace deals is just crowd work - I'm not on the casino circuit here. If Sinbad wants to reform Medicare, that's cool, that's his thing. I wanted to find the darkness so I followed the drones."
A red 1997 Honda Civic eating a Mickey Ds Arch Deluxe and it spills all over your skirt you spent 3 hrs shopping flippin thru Wet Seal squeaky hangers for and instead of Capital Grill to pop the Big Q you end up sobbing into a bowl of tartar sauce at 4am picking out the little bits of relish cuz hey gotta watch my…
A red 1997 Honda Civic eating a Mickey Ds Arch Deluxe and it spills all over your skirt you spent 3 hrs shopping flippin thru Wet Seal squeaky hangers for and instead of Capital Grill to pop the Big Q you end up sobbing into a bowl of tartar sauce at 4am picking out the little bits of relish cuz hey gotta watch my…
It's realistic, it's not, Quinn should buy a better razor, Carrie should be dehydrated from crying so much…whatevz my clittle monsters. This ep was the best of the series and you know it cuz….there was a TV IN EVERY ROOM!!!!
It's realistic, it's not, Quinn should buy a better razor, Carrie should be dehydrated from crying so much…whatevz my clittle monsters. This ep was the best of the series and you know it cuz….there was a TV IN EVERY ROOM!!!!
So orange sherbert > pear > ice cream?
So orange sherbert > pear > ice cream?
You just called a pear better than ice cream, there must be a number lying around somewhere in this mess of laundry for a tongue replacement specialist hold on I'll get back to you, wait right there.
You just called a pear better than ice cream, there must be a number lying around somewhere in this mess of laundry for a tongue replacement specialist hold on I'll get back to you, wait right there.
Nom Nom nOm: